姓名 蔡貞慧
聯絡電話 02-3366-1249
職稱 副教授
研究專長 社會政策的成本效益分析、所得分配與重分配、全民健保、弱勢族群之健康照護需求與福利服務之使用、兒少物質使用預防、藥癮家庭支持
授課領域 社會工作、健康照護政策、社會福利、社會政策
主要學歷 PhD,美國紐約哥倫比亞大學社會工作學院,主修社會政策分析
服務機構 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系專任副教授 (2010/08至今)
1. 長期關注並探討全民健保財源籌措和對社會弱勢者之醫療福祉的影響,運用家庭收支調查和健保資料進行相關研究。
2. 參與2020-2022年教育部高教深耕計畫之「衛福專業社會實踐培力基地」子計畫,探討精神疾病的社會距離議題。
3. 自2016年起參與兒少毒品預防之社區模式的社工培力教育訓練、督導、方案評估,並自2020年起參與成人藥癮者家庭支持服務之社工培力教育訓練、督導、方案評估。近期研究計畫主題為預防兒少行為健康問題之社區協力模式的發展與評估。
年度 論文名稱
2021 Chen CY, Storr CL, Tsay JH, Fang SY, Wang IA, Chang SH, Differential non-enrollment of Taiwanese children in school-based substance use prevention studies: A multilevel analysis., Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2021
2020 Chen WT, Wang SC, Wang IA, Tsay JH, Chen CY, Suicide attempts and death among heroin-involved women seeking methadone treatment in Taiwan, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, pp. 108-277, 2020
2019 Chen CY, Wang IA, Fang SY, Huang N, Tsay JH, Chang SH, Inadequate prenatal care utilization among women with and without methadone-treated opioid use disorders in Taiwan, International Journal of Drug Policy, pp. 1-8, 2019
2019 簡毓嫺、王郁婷、王一安、蔡貞慧、張淑慧、陳娟瑜, 學齡兒童社會信任:家庭與班級層級因素探討, 台灣公共衛生雜誌, vol. 6, pp. 660-672, 2019
2018 Fang SY, Huang N, Tsay JH, Chang SH, & Chen CY, Excess mortality in children born to opioid-addicted parents: A national register study in Taiwan, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, pp. 118-126, 2018
2017 Huang HH, Chen CY, Tsay JH, Chou YJ, & Huang N, Factors in maintaining a stable patient-physician relationship among individuals with Schizophrenia, Community Mental Health Journal, pp. 578-588, 2017
2011 Huang, N., Y.J. Chou, L.S. Chen, C.H. Lee, P.J. Wang, & J.H. Tsay, Utilization of western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine services by physicians and their relatives: the role of training background, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2011
2010 Liu, T.L., J.H. Tsay, Y.J. Chou, & N. Huang, Comparison of the perforation rate for acute appendicitis between nationals and migrants in Taiwan, 1996-2001, Public Health, 2010
2010 蔡貞慧,林美雀, 健保欠費、中斷與2003年健保特赦條款, 台大社會工作學刊, pp. 115-152, 2010
2010 蔡貞慧,高豐渝, 我國健康照護財務負擔的公平性:1995-2006,社會政策與社會工作學刊, 社會政策與社會工作學刊, vol. 1, pp. 81-117, 2010
2009 Chen, L. S., Y. J. Chou, J.H. Tsay, C. H. Lee, P. Chou, & N. Huang, Variation in the cervical cancer screening compliance among women with disability, Journal of Medical Screening, vol. 2, pp. 85-90, 2009
2007 Chen, L.S., N. Huang, J.H. Tsay, P.J. Wang, Y.J. Chou, P. Chou, & C.H. Lee, Screening for Cervical Cancer among Female Physicians and Their Relatives in Taiwan: A Population-Based Comparative Study, Preventive Medicine, vol. 6, pp. 531-535, 2007
2007 Tsay. J. H., C.H. Lee, Y. J. Hsu, P. J. Wang, Y. M. Bai, Y. J. Chou, & N. Huang, Disparities in appendicitis rupture rate among mentally ill patients, BMC Public Health, pp. 331-0, 2007
2005 蔡貞慧,張鴻仁,王本仁, 2002年調整保費及部分負擔對全民健康保險財務公平性之影響, 人文及社會科學集刊, vol. 1, pp. 1-31, 2005
2004 蔡貞慧, 我國全民健康保險的所得重分配效果,1995-2000, 社會政策與社會工作學刊, vol. 1, pp. 221-250, 2004
2003 Chou, Y.J., N. Huang, C.H. Lee, S.L. Tsai, J.H. Tsay, L.S. Chen, P. Chou, Suicides after the 1999 Taiwan earthquake, International Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 6, pp. 1007-1014, 2003
2003 Tsay, Jen-Huoy, Household composition and inequality in health care financing in Taiwan, 1995-2000, Taiwan Economic Review, vol. 4, pp. 483-505, 2003
2002 蔡貞慧,周穎政, 臺灣全民健康保險的醫療支出重分配效果,1995-2000, 臺灣公共衛生雜誌, vol. 5, pp. 373-379, 2002
年度 論文名稱
2022 蔡貞慧, 以社區為基礎的藥癮者家庭支持, 111成人藥癮者家庭支持服務共識會議, 2022, Taiwan
2022 臧興國,陳思彣,李慧萍,賴星旭,江俊良,韓忠懷,周秋伶,蔡貞慧, 以需求為導向之藥癮者子女的介入模式, 111成人藥癮者家庭支持服務共識會議, 2022, Taiwan
2021 蔡貞慧, 未成年物質使用的社區防治模式, 110年少年調查(保護)執行業務專業訓練(二), 2021, Taiwan
2020 蔡貞慧, 創新整合社區防治模式:Communities That Care, 「毒品兒少服務何去何從:修法後毒品兒少防治的發展」觀摩研討暨成果發表會, 2020, Taiwan
2019 蔡貞慧, 臺灣需要「社會福利法人」嗎?, 「我國是否需要社會福利基本法?」論壇, 2019, Taiwan
2017 Fang SY, Huang N, Tsay JH, Chang SH, Chen CY, Prenatal Healthcare Utilization among Pregnant Women in the Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program in Taiwan, Annual Research Meeting, AcademyHealth, 2017, United States of America
2017 Tsay JH, Yang YM, Chang SC, Chang SH, & Wang SC, Using public subsidized services versus hiring foreign care workers? The long-term care dualism in Taiwan, 12th World Congress of International Health Economics Association, 2017, United States of America
2016 Chang SH, Tsay JH, Shih AT, Huang LH, Wu CS, & Kao CE, Training need analyses: the core competences of social workers in the family service centers, 5th Regional Symposium of CIFA (Consortium of Institutes on Family in the Asian Region), 2016, Korea, South
2016 Tsay JH, Yeh FM, Yang YM, & Wang SC, Who demands the public subsidized home services instead of hiring foreign care workers in Taiwan?, 5th Regional Symposium of CIFA (Consortium of Institutes on Family in the Asian Region), 2016, Korea, South
2015 Jen-Huoy Tsay , Feng-Yu Kao , & Shu-Chi Cheng, The distributional effects of supplementary premium schemes under the National Health Insurance system in Taiwan, International Conference on Taiwan’s National Health Insurance and Social Welfare, 2015, Taiwan
2015 Tsay JH, Hu HY, Huang N, & Chou YJ, Factors associated with the enrollment of the Children Medical Subsidy Program in Taipei, 11th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association, 2015, Italy
2015 蔡貞慧, 外籍看護工被照顧者特性與長照保險需求探討, 保資料庫與長照業務連結之實務性研討會, 2015, Taiwan
2014 謝文中、蔡貞慧、曾頌惠, 6%-8%的弔詭:台灣發展遲緩兒童盛行率之再思考, 台灣社會福利學會年會暨國際學術研討會, 2014, Taiwan
2014 蔡貞慧, 評估中低收入兒少健保費補助成效之探討, 健保資料結合兒少社福及健康領域應用研討會, 2014, Taiwan
2013 Tsay JH, Kao FY, The effect of Taiwan’s NHI premium subsidy for the near poor children on health care utilization, 10th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association, 2013, Australia
2013 Tsay, J. H., Kao, F. Y., The effect of Taiwan’s NHI premium subsidy for the near poor children on health care utilization, 9th conference of the International Health Economics Association, 2013, Australia
2011 Jen-Huoy Tsay, Equity in Taiwan’s NHI Premium Structure Reform in 2011, 8th conference of the International Health Economics Association, 2011, Canada
2009 Liu, T. L., J. H. Tsay, Y. J. Chou, & N. Huang, Comparison of perforation rate among native Taiwanese and migrants/immigrants with acute appendicitis in Taiwan, 1996-2001, The 7th conference of the International Health Economics Association, 2009, China
2009 Tsay, J. H., & F. Y. Kao, Inequality in health care financing in Taiwan, 1995-2006, The 7th conference of the International Health Economics Association, 2009, China
2007 Tsay, J.H., Y.J. Chou & N. Huang, The Equity and Adequacy of Co-payment Exemption Policy for Catastrophic Illness under Taiwan’s National Health Insurance, The 6th conference of the International Health Economics Association, 2007, Denmark
2002 Tsay, J.H., Y.J. Chou, Economies of scale, household size, and inequality in health care finance in Taiwan, 1995-2000, International Conference on Allocation of Social and Family Resources in Changing Societies, 2002, Taiwan
2001 Tsay, Jen-Huoy, Risk reduction, Income Redistribution and the Financing of National Health Insurance, International Health Economics Association, Third International Conference, 2001, United Kingdom
2000 蔡貞慧,周穎政, 父母所得對子女接受高等教育機會之影響, 中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所第三屆「家庭與社會資源分配」學術研討會, 2000, Taiwan
1999 蔡貞慧, 我國全民健保保費負擔之水平分配的公平性, 中華民國社會福利學會「家庭、社會政策及其財務策略」國際學術研討會, 1999, Taiwan
1999 蔡貞慧, 我國全民健保財務設計之區域分配效果, 中興大學經濟學系「第四屆經濟發展學術研討會」, 1999, Taiwan
1998 蔡貞慧, 我國全民健保的財務設計對較低所得不確定性及對所得重分配的效果, 中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所第二屆「家庭與社會資源分配」學術研討會, 1998, Taiwan
年度 書名
2006 Fitzpatrick, T., Kwon, H. J., Manning, N., Midgeley, J., & Pascall, G, International Encyclopedia of Social Policy, London: Routledge Ltd, 2006
2006 edited by Tony Fitzpatric, Huck-Ju Kwon, Nick Manning, James Midgeley and Gill Pascall, "adverse selection", "incentives", and"public health",International Encyclopedia of Social Policy, Routledge Ltd, 2006
2000 蔡貞慧, 家庭資源管理, 國立暨南國際大學, 2000