姓名 汪書華
聯絡電話 02-3366-1260
職稱 副教授
研究專長 社會政策、社會救助、貧窮、移民、工作、家庭政策、家庭福祉
授課領域 社會政策
主要學歷 美國哥倫比亞大學社會工作學院博士
服務機構 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系副教授 (2022/08迄今)
香港大學社會工作與社會行政學系助理教授 (2016.08-2022.07)


Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy、加州大學戴維斯分校貧困研究中心等的資助。她的研究成果發表在Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Social Policy, Health Policy and Planning, Demography, American Journal of Public Health, Social Science and Medicine, International Migration Review, and The China Quarterly等多個頂尖期刊上。她在2022年應邀於The Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS)在瑞典舉行的年度會議上發表Keynote Speech。汪博士於2023年獲得臺灣國科會所頒給的吳大猷先生紀念獎、台灣社會工作教育學會的優秀青年學者研究獎,亦獲教育部所頒給的玉山青年學者獎助。

FISSBoard of Governor(自2024年起)、East Asian Social Policy Research Network (EASP) Board Member(自2023年起)以及美國Society of Social Work and Research會員委員會的委員(自2024年起)。她目前擔任香港大學社會工作及社會行政系的榮譽副教授,並且是哥倫比亞大學、聖路易斯華盛頓大學和東京都立大學的外部研究員。汪博士目前擔任International Journal of Social Welfare的副主編,她亦曾是香港社會工作期刊的主編。此外,汪博士也擔任過40多個期刊的同儕審查人。


年度 論文名稱
2024 Kang, J., Lee, W., Ham, J., & Wang, J. S-H., Motherhood or marriage penalty? A Comparative perspective in East Asian and Western countries., Family Relations, vol. 1, pp. 223-246, 2024
2024 Zhang, J., Wang, J. S-H., & Chan, W. K., Utilising Consumer-directed Care Among Older Adults: Identifying Barriers from Behavioural Economics Perspectives., Research on Aging, 2024
2024 Peng, C.H., Chang, Q.S., Wang, J. S-H., Yeung, C.Y., & Yip, P.S.F., Patterns and determinants of multidimensional poverty and welfare interventions: Towards an evidence-based poverty alleviation policies in Hong Kong, International Journal of Social Welfare, 2024
2023 PENG C, WANG JS-H, ZHU Y, ZENG Y., The effects of an old-age allowance programme on intergenerational interactions in Taiwan: Heterogeneous effects by adult children’s motives for giving., Journal of Social Policy, vol. 1, pp. 129-156, 2023
2023 Wang, J. S-H., Jing, L., & Ngai, P., Enjoying the fruit of development? Working conditions and the earnings of low-skilled internal migrants in China across two decades (1993-2015), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 19, pp. 5052-5080, 2023
2023 Julia Shu-Huah Wang, Nudging for social change: Promises and cautions for social workers to apply behavioral economic tools, The British Journal of Social Work, vol. 2, pp. 775-793, 2023
2023 Peng, C., & Wang, J. S-H., Local Integration of Urban–Rural Social-assistance Programmes in China: What Are the Driving Forces?, The China Quarterly, pp. 886-904, 2023
2023 Peng, C., & Wang, J. S-H., Accommodating China’s floating population: Local variations and determinants of housing policies for rural migrant workers., The China Quarterly, pp. 158-182, 2023
2023 Zhang, J., Chen, Y-C., Cheng, S., & Wang, J. S-H., Developing an Operationalized Framework for Comparing Consumer-Directed Care for Older Adults: Evidence from Expert Survey and Cross-National Comparison, Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 2023
2023 Wang JS-H, Zhu Y, Peng C, You J., Internal Migration Policies in China: Patterns and Determinants of the Household Registration Reform Policy Design in 2014, The China Quarterly, pp. 1-22, 2023
2023 Zhang, Y., Chen, Y-C., & Wang, J. S-H., Long-term care insurance and health and perceived satisfaction of older Chinese: Comparisons between urban/rural areas, chronic conditions, and their intersectionality., International Journal of Health Policy and Management, vol. 1, pp. 1-13, 2023
2022 Wang, J. S-H., Cai, Y., Gao, Q., How Effective are Social Safety Net Programs in Reducing Poverty Risks? A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Southeast China, Journal of Asian Public Policy, pp. 1-36, 2022
2022 Wang, J. S-H., Chui, C. H., Jordan, L. P., & Chan, S. K., An Experiential Learning-Based Integrated Policy Advocacy Education Model in Hong Kong: What Works in a Non-Western and Partial Democratic Context?, Journal of Social Work Education, vol. 2, pp. 346-364, 2022
2022 Oh, H., Nagendra, A., Besecker, M., Smith, L., Koyanagi, A., & Wang, J. S-H., Economic strain, parental education, and psychotic experiences among college students in the United States: Findings from the Healthy Minds Study 2020, Early intervention in psychiatry, vol. 7, pp. 770-781, 2022
2022 Han, WJ. & Wang, J. S-H., Changing employment and work schedule patterns over the 30 working years—A sequential cluster analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 20, pp. 13677-13677, 2022
2021 Wang, J. S-H., Zhao, X., Nam., J., The Effects of Welfare Participation on Parenting Stress and Parental Engagement using an Instrumental Variables Approach: Evidence from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Children and Youth Services Review, pp. 1-11, 2021
2021 Ssewamala, F. M., Wang, J. S-H., Brathwaite, R., Sun, S., Mayo-Wilson, L. J., Neilands, T. B., & Brooks-Gunn, J., Impact of a Family Economic Intervention (Bridges) on Health Functioning of Adolescents Orphaned by HIV/AIDS: A 5-Year (2012–2017) Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in Uganda., American Journal of Public Health, vol. 3, pp. 504-513, 2021
2021 Wang, J. S-H., Malaeb, B., Ssewamala, F. M., Neilands, T., & Brooks-Gunn, J., A Multifaceted Intervention with Savings Incentives to Reduce Multidimensional Child Poverty: Evidence from the Bridges Study (2012-2018) in Rural Uganda, Social Indicators Research, pp. 947-990, 2021
2021 Huang, X., Kaushal, N., & Wang, J. S-H., What explains the gap in welfare use among immigrants and natives?, Population Research and Policy Review, vol. 4, pp. 819-860, 2021
2021 Wang, J. S-H., Zhang, J. & Fu, T. H., The effects of universal child allowance in Taiwan on family expenditure, Children and Youth Services Review, pp. 1-12, 2021
2021 Wang, J. S-H., Peng, C., Luo, H., Zhang, J., & Oh, H., Containment, Health, and Social Policies in the Time of COVID-19 – Determinants and Outcomes of Initial Responses across 120 countries., Health policy and planning, vol. 10, pp. 1613-1624, 2021
2021 Wang, J. S-H., State TANF Time Limit and Work Sanction Stringencies and Long-Term Trajectories of Welfare Use, Labor Supply, and Income, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, vol. 4, pp. 650-696, 2021
2021 Zhao, X., & Wang, J. S-H., The Effects of Multiple Welfare Program Participation on Educational Expenditures and Time Use: Evidence from the Social Safety Net in China, Children and Youth Services Review, pp. 1-11, 2021
2019 Peng, C., Fang, L., Wang, J. S-H., Law, Y. W., Zhang, Y., & Yip, P. S. F., Determinants of Poverty and Their Variation Across the Poverty Spectrum: Evidence from Hong Kong, a High-Income Society with a High Poverty Level, Social Indicators Research, vol. 1, pp. 219-250, 2019
2019 Waldman, K., Koyanagi, A., Wang, J. S. H., Ko, J., DeVylder, J., & Oh, H., Acculturative stress, disability, and health treatment utilization among Asian and Latin American immigrants in the United States, Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, vol. 10, pp. 1275-1284, 2019
2019 Waldman, K., Wang, J. S. H., & Oh, H., Psychiatric problems among returned migrants in Mexico: updated findings from the Mexican Migration Project, Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, vol. 10, pp. 1285-1294, 2019
2019 Tozan, Y., Sun, S., Capasso, A., Wang, J. S-H., Neilands, T. B., Bahar, O. S., Damulira, C., Ssewamala, F. M., Evaluation of a savings-led family-based economic empowerment intervention for AIDS-affected adolescents in Uganda: A four-year follow-up on efficacy and cost-effectiveness, PloS one, vol. 12, pp. 1-13, 2019
2019 Wang, J. S. H., & Kaushal, N., Health and mental health effects of local immigration enforcement, International Migration Review, vol. 4, pp. 970-1001, 2019
2018 Ssewamala, F. M., Wang, J. S-H., Neilands, T., Bermudez, L. G., Garfinkel, I., Waldfogel, J., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Kirkbride, G., Cost-Effectiveness of a Savings-led Economic Empowerment Intervention for AIDS-Affected Adolescents in Uganda: Implications for Scale-up in Low Resource Communities, Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 1, pp. 29-36, 2018
2018 Wang, J. S-H., Ssewamala, F. M., Neilands, T., Bermudez, L. G., Garfinkel, I., Waldfogel, J., Brooks-Gunn, J., & You, J., Effects of financial incentives on saving outcomes and material well-being: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Uganda, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 3, pp. 602-629, 2018
2018 Kaushal, N, Wang, J. S-H., & Huang, X., State Dream Acts and education, health and mental health of Mexican young adults in the U.S., Economics and Human Biology, pp. 138-149, 2018
2017 Lu, Y., Wang, J. S-H., & Han, W-J., Women’s Short-Term Employment Trajectories Following Birth: Patterns, Determinants, and Variations by Race/Ethnicity and Nativity, Demography, vol. 1, pp. 93-118, 2017
2017 Lu, Y., Kaushal, N., Denier, N., & Wang, J. S-H., Health of newly arrived immigrants in Canada and the United States: Differential selection on health, Health & Place, pp. 1-10, 2017
2017 Lu, Y., Denier, N., Wang, J. S-H., & Kaushal, N., Unhealthy assimilation or persistent health advantage? A longitudinal analysis of immigrant health in the United States, Social Science & Medicine, pp. 105-114, 2017
2016 Ssewamala, F. M., Karimli, L., Neilands, T. B., Wang, J. S. H., Han, C. K., Ilic, V., & Nabunya, P., Applying a Family-Level Economic Strengthening Intervention to Improve Education and Health-Related Outcomes of School-Going AIDS-Orphaned Children: Lessons from a Randomized Experiment in Southern Uganda, Prevention Science, vol. 1, pp. 134-143, 2016
2016 Kaushal, N., Lu, Y., Denier, N., Wang, J. S-H., & Trejo, S. J., Immigrant employment and earnings growth in Canada and the USA: evidence from longitudinal data, Journal of Population Economics, vol. 4, pp. 1249-1277, 2016
2015 Wang, J. S-H., TANF coverage, state TANF requirement stringencies, and child wellbeing, Children and Youth Services Review, pp. 121-129, 2015
2014 Wang, J. S-H., Ssewamala, F. M., & Han, C-K., Family economic strengthening and mental health functioning of caregivers for AIDS-affected children in rural Uganda, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, vol. 3, pp. 258-269, 2014
2014 Muchomba, F., Wang, J. S-H., & Agosta, L., Women’s land ownership and risk of HIV infection in Kenya, Social Science & Medicine, pp. 97-102, 2014
2013 DeVylder, J., Wang, J. S-H., Oh, H., & Lukens, E., Child loss and psychosis onset: evidence for traumatic experience as an etiological factor in psychosis, Psychiatry research, pp. 90-94, 2013
2013 Han, C-K., Ssewamala, F. M., & Wang, J. S-H., Family economic empowerment and mental health among AIDS-affected children living in AIDS-impacted communities: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in Southwestern Uganda, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, vol. 3, pp. 225-230, 2013
2011 Ssewamala, F. M., Wang, J. S-H., Karimli, L. & Nabunya, P., Strengthening Universal Primary Education in Uganda: The potential role of a family asset-based development policy approach, International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 5, pp. 466-471, 2011
年度 書名
2022 Bradbury, B., Abe, A., Jäntti, M., Ku, I., & Wang, J. S-H., EXPLAINING THE CHILD POVERTY OUTCOMES OF JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA, AND TAIWAN,Poverty and Inequality in East Asia, Edward Elgar, 2022
2022 Abe, A., Chang, Y-L., Gao, X., Kang, J., Romich, J., & Wang, J. S-H., WORKING POVERTY AND ANTI-POVERTY POLICY IN FOUR EAST ASIAN SOCIETIES,Poverty and Inequality in East Asia, Edward Elgar, 2022
2022 Wang, J. S-H., Ng, I. Y. H., Ku, I., Kang, J. Y., Zhao, X., Peng, C., Abe, A., & Yao, Y, INCOME PACKAGING AND SOCIAL SAFETY NETS FOR LOW-INCOME FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN IN EAST ASIA,Poverty and Inequality in East Asia, Edward Elgar, 2022