姓名 謝宛蓉
聯絡電話 02-3366-1253
職稱 助理教授
研究專長 女性與少數族裔群體心理健康、創傷療癒、創傷後成長與韌性、臨床社會工作與社會工作教育
授課領域 心理衛生、臨床社工、創傷療癒、個案工作
主要學歷 伊利諾香檳大學厄巴納分校社會工作學院博士
服務機構 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系助理教授(自2022/08迄今)
年度 論文名稱
2024 Tabb K, Hsieh W-J, Ramirez XR, & Kopels S, State legislation and policies to improve perinatal mental health: a policy review and analysis of the state of Illinois, Front. Psychiatry, 2024
2023 Garthe, R. C., Fedock, G., Rieger, A., Hsieh, W. J., McLay, M. M., & Malcome, M., Women’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence While Incarcerated: The Measurement Structure, Reliability, and Validity of a Novel Instrument, Violence Against Women, 2023
2023 Hoang, T. M. H., Lee, B. A., Hsieh, W. J., Lukacena, K. M., & Tabb, K. M., Experiences of racial Trauma among perinatal women of color in seeking healthcare services, General Hospital Psychiatry, 2023
2022 Kim, S., Garthe, R., Hsieh, W.J., Hong, J.S., Problematic Social Media Use and Conflict, Social Stress, and Cyber-Victimization Among Early Adolescents, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, pp. 1-11, 2022
2022 Tabb, K.M., Hsieh, W.J., Sung, J., Hoang, T., Hansen, M., Lux, E., & Huang, T.M.H., Patient engagement to examine perceptions of perinatal depression screening with the capabilities, opportunities, motivation, and behaviors (COM-B) model, Frontiers in Health Services, pp. 1-10, 2022
2022 Teyra, C., Haning, Y., Huang, C.K., Hsieh, W.J., & Uking, L., Manu Ka Kmlawa Rudan? 初探太魯閣族老人照顧,以CIYAKANG部落為例, 中華心理衛生學刊, 2022
2022 Hoang, T.M.H., Hsieh, W.J., Lee, B.A., Lukacena, K.M., & Tabb, K.M., Navigating Pregnancy and the Healthcare System during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study with Perinatal Women of Color, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 20, pp. 1-15, 2022
2022 Tabb, K.M.; Simonovich, S.D.; Wozniak, J.D.; Barton, J.M.; Hsieh, W.J.; Klement, C.; Ostrowski, M.E.; Lakhani, N.; Meline, B.S.; Huang, H., WIC Staff Views and Perceptions on the Relationship between Food Insecurity and Perinatal Depression, Healthcare, vol. 1, pp. 68-0, 2022
2021 Hsieh, W.J., Powell, T., Tan, K., & Chen, J.H., Kidcope and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Understanding High School Students’ Coping and Emotional Well-Being, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, pp. 1-12, 2021
2021 Hsieh, W.J., Sbrilli, M., Huang, W., Hoang, T., Meline, B., Laurent, H., & Tabb, K.M., Patients’ Perceptions Of Perinatal Depression Screening: A Qualitative Study, Health Affairs, vol. 10, pp. 1612-1617, 2021
2021 Teyra, C., Huang, C.K., & Hsieh, W.J., 只想好好地生活,原住民同志之交織處境與因應策略, 臺大社會工作學刊, pp. 1-53, 2021
2021 Simonovich, S.D., Nidey, N.L., Gavin, A.R., Pineros-Leano, M., Hsieh, W.J., Sbrilli, M., Ables-Torres, L.A., Huang, H., Ryckman, K., & Tabb, K.M, Meta-analysis of antenatal depression and adverse birth outcomes in US populations, 2010-2020, Health Affairs, vol. 10, pp. 1560-1565, 2021
2020 Tabb, K., Hsieh, W.J., Gavin, A., Eigbike, M., Faisal-Cury, A., Mohd Hajaraih, S.K., Huang, W.H., Laurent, H., Carter, D., Nidey, N., Ryckman, K., & Zivin, K., Racial differences in immediate postpartum depression and suicidal ideation among women in a Midwestern delivery hospital, Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, pp. 1-7, 2020
年度 書名
2023 Wan-Jung Hsieh, Wan-Yi Lin, Ciwang Teyra, Teaching Indigenous Social Work in Mainstream Social Work Education in Taiwan,Indigenization Discourse in Social Work International Perspectives, Springer, 2023
2022 Teyra, C. & Hsieh, W.J., Carrying Historical Trauma: Alcohol Use and Healing among Indigenous Communities in Taiwan,Indigenous Reconciliation in Contemporary Taiwan: From Stigma to Hope, Routledge, 2022
2021 Hsieh, W.J., Teyra, C., & Kui Kasirisir, 初探台灣原住民族社會工作之督導制度建構,第五屆「國際原住民族社會工作研討會」叢書系列. I, 以文化為中心的原住民族社會工作, 國立東華大學, 2021
2021 Teyra, C., Huang, C.K., Cheng, Y.W., Ciwko, L., & Hsieh, W.J., 原住民同志運動者的現身與抵抗,日常生活中的社會運動, 群學, 2021
2020 Powell, T.M., Hsieh, W.J., & Shin, O., Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experience,Clinical assessment for social workers: Quantitative and qualitative methods, Oxford University Press, 2020