The phenomenon of rapid aging presents significant challenges to all societies. One of the key questions that arises is how to maintain good health as we age. Identifying factors that can be modified in the aging process is critical to understanding healthy aging and developing interventions and policies aimed at improving population health and well-being.
This lecture covers two studies that examine the impacts of social isolation and civic participation of promoting social connections and engagement in later life.
Specifically, the research indicated that social isolation has a negative impact on mental health outcomes. In contrast, civic participation can improve mental health by fostering greater life satisfaction and a sense of purpose. Implications for social work practice and programs are discussed to address social isolation and civic engagement to strengthen positive mental health in later life.
Note. This lecture will be conducted using Mandarin, supplementing with English.
Promoting mental health in later life: Examples of social isolation and civic engagement
報名連結: https://forms.gle/4v5Xz11paDwABCNz7
講者:陳昱志 助理教授
主持:趙曉芳 教授
Yu-Chih Chen (陳昱志) https://www.socialwork.hku.hk/yuchih/
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration.