想了解高影響力的期刊 (Child Abuse & Neglect) 的編輯對於發表文章的建議嗎?
歡迎各界夥伴與學生參與臺灣大學兒少暨家庭研究中心、研學會與社工系主辦之與 Dr. Clifton Emery 座談的活動。
Time 時間:2023年 06月 29日(四) 晚上18:30-20:30
Location 地點:Department of Social Work, National Taiwan University R401 (國立臺灣大學社會社工系館 401會議室 )
Speaker 講者:Dr. Clifton R. Emery (Associate Professor of Social Work and Social Administration at the University of Hong Kong)
Hosts 主持人:Drs. April Chiung-Tao Shen & Julia Shu-Huah Wang
Register 報名:
Agenda 活動安排:
18:30-19:30 Studying Maltreatment Through Polyvictimization: Evidence from the Salar ethnic group in Qinghai China
19:30-20:30 How to publish in a high-impact journal? Meet Clifton Emery, the Associate Editor from Child Abuse and Neglect
*The events will be conducted in English. 活動以英文進行
*We welcome in-person and online participants. 線上及實體同步進行
*Please register by June 27 (Tue).
Light snacks will be provided to registered participants. 請於6/27(二)之前報名,將提供簡單點心給報名者。
Speaker Bio 講者介紹:
Dr. Emery is Associate Professor of Social Work and Social Administration at the University of Hong Kong. He is a theorist, a social worker, and a statistician. His approach to research and scholarship brings empirical and theoretical rigor and clarity to the study of conflict and its resolution in the context of power disparities. His work focuses primarily on abuse and violence against women, children, and refugees.
Dr. Emery has carried out survey research in the US, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Spain, Russia, Vietnam, Mongolia, Nepal, Ghana, and on North Korean refugees. His areas of research include (1) theorization and investigation of the mechanisms that underlie the relationship between informal social control and child maltreatment and intimate partner violence, (2) development of a new theory of the lived experience of child maltreatment and polyvictimization, (3) development of research, policy and practice to better protect women from intimate partner violence based on his theory of totalitarian, despotic, tolerant, conflict, and anarchic types of IPV.
Dr. Emery recently received a major grant from UNICEF. He is the Associate Editor for Child Abuse & Neglect (IF = 4.863, h5-index = 75, ranked 1 in social work by Google Scholar). He is the Academic Expert for Help for Children Asia Branch and guides the organization’s grant making. He is currently the PI for a GRF longitudinal study of informal social control, child maltreatment, and adolescent substance addiction among mothers and adolescent children in a representative sample of Nepal. Dr. Emery has been an expert witness in three countries and an advisor to the South Korean Ministry of Justice. In 2021 his research influenced Hong Kong government policy.
This event is supported by National Taiwan University Children and Family Research Center, Graduate School of Social Work Student Association, and Department of Social Work.