Department of Social Work at National Taiwan University Faculty position opening

  • 2024-10-23
  • 系辦助理
The Department of Social Work at National Taiwan University invites applications for a full-time position beginning on August 1, 2025. Faculty with experiences at the assistant professor level or above are encouraged to apply. Candidate’s primary appointment will include research, teaching, and service to the university, community, and the society. Field of specialization is open.

National Taiwan University is the number one comprehensive institution of higher education in Taiwan. It is located in Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan. Department of Social Work offers BSW, MSW, and Ph.D. degree programs, plus joint degree programs with other colleges and departments in the university system. 
  • Position Title/Short DescriptionTitle: Assistant Professor Level or Above 
    • Section: Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
    • Location: Taipei, TAIWAN
  • Full Text of Job Listing
    • The Department of Social Work at National Taiwan University invites applications for a full-time faculty position at the Assistant professor level (or above). A Ph.D. degree in social work or related areas should be obtained before August, 2025. Applicants should demonstrate strong potential and interest in research. Language requirement: English or Mandarin. 
  • Application Requirements
    • 1. CV in Chinese or English
    • 2. Applicants should have publications in indexed SSCI, SCI, A&HCI( minimum 1 paper), or TSSCI( minimum 2 papers) journals. A copy of full-text publications in the past 7 years (after August 2018), with at least one representative paper in the past 5 years (after August 2020). If representative paper is written by more than one author, please submit a list of contribution. Call or write the office for the form.
    • 3. A copy of the Ph. D. diploma. Applicants who got Ph.D. degree within three years should provide a copy of transcripts at the doctoral program and the Ph.D. dissertation. For those who haven’t received their Ph.D. should also provide a copy of the dissertation draft, and an official letter that certifies the Ph.D. degree will be conferred before April 30, 2025.
    • 4. A copy of Identification card or passport
  • Application deadline: 31/Dec /2024
    • Interviews will be arranged for those who pass the preliminary review, and applicants should then provide outlines of two course syllabi.
  • Please send the application to: Professor Shiau-Fang Chao by mail or e-mail
    • Address: Department of Social Work, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 TAIWAN.
    • E-mail:
  • Contact: Miss Chih-Ting Wang     Phone: (+886-2)3366-1241    E-mail: