【國立臺灣大學社會工作學系X1121學術演講】家庭移工:財務、社會義務、債務 2023年12月21日 18:00-19:00 於臺大社會社工系館211教室

  • 2023-12-19
  • 系辦助理

The Family Migration Project: Financial and Social Obligations and Indebtedness

時間:2023年12月21日 18:00-19:00
講者:喬曦/ Lucy P. Jordan香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系副教授
主持:汪書華 臺灣大學社會工作學系副教授


Lucy P. Jordan現任香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系副教授。

本講座為採用比較研究法的長期家庭移工研究,為講者針對東南亞地區超過15年的研究成果。家庭移工(Family Migration)是實現家庭收入多樣化策略之一,表示父母親移居他國工作並將子女留在母國,藉由海外工作收入提供子女更優渥的生活條件與教育機會。然而,當意外事件發生(例如新冠肺炎)導致移工返國受阻或被強制遣返,移工家庭滿足基本生活需求將面臨挑戰,而海外工作的財務穩定對於移工本人及其家庭影響皆待探究。本講座將分享移工及其家庭在規畫海外工作過程中面臨的挑戰和機遇,借由不同東南亞國家背景與家庭移工的比較案例,凸顯移工母國與移入國對移工群體在社會保護的不足。

Drawing on over 15 years of research across Southeast Asia, this talk considers the contributions of a comparative approach to studying the longer-term family migration project. Migration is often a family strategy to diversify income, and, when parents migrate leaving children behind in origin locales, an opportunity to provide better nutrition and education through remittances. The longer-term results of financial security seem to remain elusive for many migrants and their families, and when unexpected events such as COVID-19 pandemic result in unplanned return and repatriation, these families may face challenges to meet basic subsistence needs, as before they entered into migration. This talk considers the challenges and opportunities that migrants and their families face in navigating the family migration project drawing on examples from different Southeast Asian contexts and diverse family migration configurations to highlight the gaps in social protection at home and abroad for these populations.
