美國國務院 NSLI-Y(國家安全語言計畫)旨在促進美國高中生學習華語,認識臺灣文化,促進和臺灣人民的友誼。該計畫在臺學習期間安排兩週時間寄宿在當地臺灣家庭,以增進瞭解臺灣社會風俗習慣與文化傳統,同時提高運用華語的能力。本計畫招募熱衷臺美交流、願意接待美國學生的臺灣家庭,提供兩週(2024 年 7 月23 日至 8 月 5 日)的寄宿接待。
1. 寄宿時間:2024 年 7 月 23 日(二)至 8 月 5 日(一)
2. 寄宿地點:臺北市及新北市地區—美國寄宿學生在上課日需要往返臺大上課(近捷運或有大眾運輸方便佳,近臺大尤佳)
3. 接待條件:
A. 提供美國寄宿學生寄宿期間的飲食(平日:早/晚餐;週末:早/午/晚餐)
B. 提供美國學生獨立房間(需配有床、書桌、冷氣等基本設施)
C. 寄宿開始後的前三天須協助學生通勤,幫助他們瞭解通勤路線和環境
D. 安排週末活動
E. 寄宿期間如學生有緊急情況,例如感冒生病,需及時通知團隊老師並協助送學生去醫院
4. 寄宿家庭需提供的審查資料:
A. 提供給學生的房間照片或簡短影片
B. 錄取之寄宿家庭需提供至少一位家長成員的無犯罪記錄證明(良民證) (https://eli.npa.gov.tw/E7WebO/index01.jsp)
5. 補助金:每個寄宿家庭可獲美金750 元(約新臺幣兩萬三千元)
6. 招募時間:即日起至 2024 年 4 月 30 日
有興趣者請聯繫計畫主任 陳建國教授(信箱:chenjia@udel.edu)
計畫助理 鄭弘偉(電話:0930-550-005|信箱:artiejeng@gmail.com)
The NSLI-Y (National Security Language Initiative for Youth) program aims to facilitate Mandarin learning among American high school students, introduce them to Taiwanese culture, and foster friendships with the people of Taiwan. During their time in Taiwan, the program arranges for two weeks of homestay with local Taiwanese families to enhance understanding of Taiwanese social customs and traditions and to improve Mandarin language proficiency. This program seeks Taiwanese families who are enthusiastic about Taiwan-U.S. exchanges and willing to host American students for two weeks (July 23rd to August 5th, 2024).
Criteria for Host Families are as follows:
1. Homestay Period: July 23rd (Monday) to August 5th (Sunday), 2024.
2. Location: Taipei City and New Taipei City - American students will need to commute to National Taiwan University (NTU) on class days (preferably near MRT stations or with convenient public transportation, with proximity to NTU being advantageous).
3. Hosting Conditions:
A. Provide meals for the American students during their stay (Weekdays: breakfast/dinner; Weekends: breakfast/lunch/dinner).
B. Offer the American students a private room equipped with basic amenities such as a bed, desk, and air conditioning.
C. Assist students with commuting for the first three days after the homestay begins, helping them understand commuting routes and the environment.
D. Organize weekend activities.
E. In case of emergencies during the homestay period, such as illness or colds, promptly inform the program coordinator and assist in taking the student to the hospital.
4. Required Documentation from Host Families:
A. Provide photos or a brief video of the room intended for the student.
B. Accepted host families must provide a criminal record clearance certificate (Certificate of Good Conduct) for at least one parent member. (https://eli.npa.gov.tw/E7WebO/index01.jsp)
5. Subsidy: Each host family will receive $750 USD (approximately NT$23,000).
6. Recruitment Period: From now until April 30th, 2024.
Interested parties, please contact Professor Jian Guo Chen, Program Director (Email: chenjia@udel.edu) or Assistant Artie Jeng (Phone: 0930-550-005 | Email: artiejeng@gmail.com).
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委託單位: 國際事務處
委託人: 袁孝維國際長
聯絡電話: 33662007