【國立臺灣大學社會工作學系X 1111國際社會工作課程演講】Social welfare and social work in Australia 2022. 11. 08 (二) 09:00-11:00於社社系館209教室(實體線上同步進行)

  • 2022-11-07
  • 黃科維

  This presentation focuses on social welfare and social work in Australia. A brief introduction of Autrailan’s social and environmental contexts is presented to provide background infomration. The presentation then has a breif review of Australian welfare state after World War two and welfare reform after the 1980s and introduces the development of social work in Australia. The community social work practice or community developemnt from the 1960s is addressed to illustrate the dynamic change of community social work practice and the impacts of social and political contexts on social work eduction and development. The presentation concludes by discussing some important current social issues such as social protection, ageing population, homelessness, disability, indegenous people, and mental health to highlight their implications for current social work in Australia.  


Huang Yunong
Dr Huang Yunong is a Lecturer in Social Work, College of Education, Psychology and Social Work, Flinders University, Australia. He received his Bachelor degree in social work from Xiamen University, China, Master degree in social work from National University of Singapore, and PhD in social welfare from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research areas include trauma and resilience, mental health, social gerontology, and social work education. 

時間:2022. 11. 08 (二) 09:00-11:00

地點:臺大社會社工系館209教室(實體與線上同步進行,課程連結Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/jsa-rdgw-uoa)


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