Name | Tsung-Hsi Fu |
Office Tel No. | 02-3366-9564 |
Job Title | Associate Professor |
Research Expertise | Social Insurance, Social Psychology |
Teaching Field | Social Insurance, Social Psychology |
Education | Ph. D., The University of York |
Autobiography |
Tsung-hsi Fu is Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, National Taiwan University. He obtained his PhD in Social Policy at the University of York (Britain) in 2003. Before studying for his PhD he worked for the government and participated in social policy planning. His research interests are in the areas of social security and aging, especially around pensions. He has published a number of books and articles on aging in East Asia, pension reform in Taiwan and pension policy in East Asia. He is particularly interested in comparative approaches, including analyses between East Asian countries. |
Year | Paper Title |
2021 | 趙曉芳, 黃詩淳, 陳怡伃, 李會珍, 陳筠靜, 傅從喜, 被看見與不被看見: 失智者服務使用與權益保障的困境與挑戰, 臺灣社會福利學刊, pp. 51-84, 2021 |
2021 | Wang, Julia Shu-Huah, Jinbao Zhang, and Tsung-Hsi Fu, The effects of universal child allowance on family expenditure in Taiwan, Children and Youth Services Review, pp. 1-12, 2021 |
2020 | Chen, Cheng-fen and Tsung-hsi Fu, Policies and transformation of long-term care system in Taiwan, Annals of geriatric medicine and research, pp. 187-194, 2020 |
2019 | 傅從喜、施世駿、林宏陽, 我國社會安全制度可攜性分析, 臺大管理論叢(TSSCI), pp. 173-200, 2019 |
2019 | 傅從喜, 長期照顧2.0初期的資源佈建與服務發展, 國土及公共治理季刊, pp. 60-71, 2019 |
2018 | 傅從喜, 政治競爭與年金改革:台灣地區經驗的檢視, 中國公共政策評論, pp. 20-31, 2018 |
2017 | Tsung-hsi Fu,Gyu-Jin Hwang, Reforming Public Pensions in Democratizing Korea and Taiwan: actors, institutions and policy outcomes, Journal of Asian Public Policy, pp. 1-16, 2017 |
2017 | 邵靄如,傅從喜, 年金制度與世代公平 — 我國不同世代公務員退休保障的比較, Taiwan Economic Forecast and Policy 臺灣經濟預測與政策, pp. 75-103, 2017 |
2016 | 傅從喜、施世駿、林宏陽、張秋蘭, 已開發國家年金自動調整機制之發展與變革, 台大社會工作學刊, 2016 |
2013 | Fu,Tsung-Hsi, Wan-I Lin, and Jyh-Cherng Shieh, The Impact of Post-Disaster Relocation on Community Solidarity: The Case of Post-Disaster Reconstruction after Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan., World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, pp. 1963-1966, 2013 |
2013 | 傅從喜, 台灣公務人員退休保障制度的發展與挑戰, 公共行政評論, pp. 27-51, 2013 |
2013 | 傅從喜, 年金改革:長或短?緩或急?, 社區發展季刊, pp. 132-139, 2013 |
2012 | Fu, Tsung-hsi & Rhidian Hughes, Towards integrated care in Taiwan: local issues, international challenges, Journal of Integrated Care, vol. 6, pp. 394-400, 2012 |
2012 | 陳琇惠、傅從喜、鄭清霞、鄭文輝, 我國國民年金保險暨監理模式的探討, 聯合勸募論壇, vol. 1, pp. 105-130, 2012 |
2012 | 謝志誠、傅從喜、陳竹上、林萬億, 一條離原鄉愈來愈遠的路?:莫拉克颱風災後異地重建政策的再思考, 臺大社會工作學刊, pp. 41-86, 2012 |
2011 | Hughes, R,Tsung-hsi Fu, Health care and adult social care in England: An overview and critique with lesions for Taiwan, 台灣社會福利學刊, vol. 1, pp. 217-254, 2011 |
2010 | Fu, Tsung-hsi, Older people, population ageing and social policy in Taiwan, Journal of Asian Public Policy, vol. 3, pp. 307-320, 2010 |
2008 | Tsung-hsi Fu, Do State Benefits Impact on Intergenerational Family Support? The Case of Taiwan, Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, vol. 3, pp. 339-354, 2008 |
Year | Paper Title |
2015 | Hwang, Gyu-Jin,Tsung-hsi Fu, Pension Politics in East Asia: The Cases of Korea and Taiwan. Paper presented at 12th East Asian Social Policy Conference, Singapore: National University of Singapore, 2015, N/A |
2013 | 傅從喜、林萬億、謝志誠、林珍珍, 重大災變後集體重建模式對社區關係之影響, 「莫拉克風災重建的課題與反思」國際研討會, 2013, Taiwan |
2012 | 傅從喜, 台灣社會保障體系的發展與隱憂, 「兩岸三地的社會發展:經驗、挑戰與展望」研討會, 2012, Taiwan |
2012 | 傅從喜, 我國老人經濟安全保障體系之檢視與未來展望, 「台灣因應高齡化社會來臨的政策研究」研討會, 2012, Taiwan |
2012 | Fu, Tsung-hsi, Have you taken up your benefits?: low income families’ experience in Taiwan. Paper presented at 2nd Bi-Annual International Symposium, IL: Department of Social Work, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2012, N/A |
2012 | Fu, Tsung-hsi, Housing assistance for victims of mass disaster: the case of Taiwan., Paper presented at 2012 SPA & EASP Joint Conference., 2012, N/A |
2012 | 傅從喜, 我國年金制度的發展與挑戰─兼論教育人員退休保障制度的改革, 年金制度改革研討會, 2012, Taiwan |
2010 | 傅從喜, 社會救助、發展帳戶與脫貧, 「東亞福利體制下脫貧新思維國際研討會」, 2010, N/A |
2010 | 陳琇惠,傅從喜,鄭文輝,鄭清霞, 社會保險監理模式之探討, 第十屆台灣社會福利學會年會暨國際研討會, 2010, Taiwan |
2009 | 傅從喜, 救助、發展帳戶與脫貧, 東亞福利體制下脫貧新思維國際研討會, 2009, Taiwan |
Year | Book Title |
2019 | Fu, Tsung-hsi, Replacement rate, Springer International Publishing, 2019 |
2018 | Tsung-hsi Fu, Ageing in Asia-Pacific: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives, Routledge, 2018 |
2018 | 林萬億等, 災難救援、安置與重建, 五南, 2018 |
2012 | 傅從喜, 台灣農村地區老人社區照顧的發展與挑戰,社區工作理論與實務, 台北:財團法人中化文化社會福利事業基金會, 2012 |
2012 | 傅從喜、林宏陽、謝佳宜、王潔媛、劉香蘭、陳昱志、楊璦如、陳君儀等譯, 東亞人口高齡化的挑戰與政策發展, 台北:國家教育研究院&松慧有限公司, 2012 |
2010 | Fu, Tsunghsi,Rhidian Hughes, New social risks and family change in Taiwan,Risk and public policy in East Asia, Surrey: Ashgate., 2010 |
2009 | Tsung-hsi Fu,Rhidian Hughes, Ageing in East Asia: Challenges and Policies for the Twenty-First Century, Routledge, 2009 |
2009 | 傅從喜審訂, 社會工作研究方法, 心理, 2009 |