Name | Yi-Yi Chen |
Office Tel No. | 02-3366-9565 |
Job Title | Associate Professor |
Research Expertise | Community Practice, Workforce Development, Implementation Science |
Teaching Field | Community Practice, Workforce Development, Implementation Science |
Education | Ph. D., University at Albany, SUNY |
Autobiography |
Chen Yi-Yi joined the Department of Social Work in 2014. Her research is centered on community organizations particularly regarding partnership and performance issues. Also interested is collaboration with human service practitioners and organizations regarding the development and evaluation of workforce and programs. She teaches Community Organization and Development, Social Work Theory, and other courses. Chen completed her Ph.D. training at University at Albany. During the years studying in the United State, she was involved in research-supported practice development in New York State. As a project manager and research specialist, she participated in the evaluation of barriers to food stamps, analysis of factors affecting workforce retention in child welfare services, and development of a New York state-wide supervision model of public child welfare. Also, she volunteered in a partnership between three Schools of the University and two child welfare agencies providing residential treatment to adolescents. Her career goal is to apply research methods as tools supporting social workers and social services agencies to articulate, implement, and evaluate their work. She has been bridging science and service through education and research. The titles of her recent publication are “Partnership and Performance of Community-Based Organizations: A Social Network Study of Taiwan” and “Existence, Relatedness, or Growth? Examining Turnover Intention of Public Child Welfare Caseworkers from a Human Needs Approach”. |
Year | Paper Title |
2023 | Binahayati Rusyidi, YiYi Chen, Yao-Chi Shih, Mary McCarthy, Yu-Hao Tseng, Social work students’ perception of education quality, commitment, and competence: Comparison of Indonesia and Taiwan, MDPI: Social Science, vol. 3, pp. 160-0, 2023 |
2022 | 陳怡伃、黃炤愷、李宜興, 社區市集作為兒少資源網絡平臺——臺北市三個區域的案例分析, 社區發展季刊, pp. 198-210, 2022 |
2022 | 劉昭萍、陳亞男、陳怡伃, 從「去社區工作」到「與社區一起工作」——在新北市貢寮 和雙溪開展早期療育服務之經驗回顧, 社區發展季刊, pp. 80-92, 2022 |
2021 | 趙曉芳、黃詩淳、陳怡伃、李會珍、陳筠靜、傅從喜, 看見與不被看見:失智者在地老化的困境與挑戰, 臺灣社會福利學刊, vol. 1, pp. 51-84, 2021 |
2020 | Yong Li, Hui Huang, & Yi-Yi Chen, Organizational climate, job satisfaction, and turnover in voluntary child welfare workers, Children and Youth Service Review, 2020 |
2020 | Ray, Nandini, Keevers, Lynne, & Chen, Yi-Yi, "It’s the news of difference that makes the difference": Witnessing social action through an international collaboration between Australia and Taiwan, Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, vol. 1, pp. 34-47, 2020 |
2020 | 張聖琳、陳怡伃, 知識緣:食養農創之跨領域場域教學模式, 設計學報, vol. 5, pp. 43-64, 2020 |
2019 | Fung, Kwok-kin, Hugn Suet-lin, Chen, Yi-Yi, Chen, Shuqiang, & Jian, Zhenhua, Community Development and Social Work Education in East Asia, Practice Insights, International Association of Community Development, 2019 |
2019 | 陳怡伃, 發展性社會工作實務原則之實踐:以在萬華社區的二個社會服務方案為例, 臺灣社會福利學刊, vol. 1, pp. 125-167, 2019 |
2019 | 黃炤愷、陳怡伃, 泰雅族傳統與基督信仰交織下的日常照顧:台中市和平區大安溪沿線的初探, 中華心理衛生學刊, vol. 2, pp. 183-208, 2019 |
2018 | 陳怡伃, 劉冬, 陳宜珍, 何其多, 社區型組織推動家庭暴力防治的實務模式及美國案例, 台灣社區工作與社區研究學刊, vol. 1, pp. 123-156, 2018 |
2017 | Yi-Yi Chen, Yuen-Wen Ku, Community Practice at a Crossroad: The Approaches and Challenges in Taiwan, Community Development Journal, vol. 1, pp. 76-91, 2017 |
2016 | 陳怡伃,滿春梅,陳宜珍, 社區型組織推動家庭暴力防治的現況與挑戰, 社區發展季刊, pp. 183-194, 2016 |
2016 | 陳怡伃, 由社區工作推發展性社會工作:教學現場的觀察, 社區發展季刊, 2016 |
2015 | 陳怡伃,李宜興,王文娟,嚴嘉楓, 花蓮縣身心障礙者就業需求與工作動機, 身心障礙研究, vol. 13, 2015 |
2015 | 陳怡伃,黃源協, 遠親或是近鄰?社區組織內外網絡對其服務績效的影響, 台大社工學刊, 2015 |
2013 | Yi-Yi Chen, Partnership and Performance of Community-Based Organizations: A Social Network Study of Taiwan, Journal of Social Service Research, vol. 5, pp. 690-703, 2013 |
Year | Paper Title |
2022 | 陳怡伃、黃炤愷, 搞市集做社區:台北市三個區域的兒少服務組織合作案例, 「福利國家與社會團結-疫情下人權與社會福利典範與創新」2021年台灣社會福利學會年會暨國際學術研討會, 2022, Taiwan |
2021 | 陳怡伃、李宜興、黃炤愷, 社區型組織如何回應新自由主義?組織韌性與城鄉比較, 「福利國家與社會團結-疫情下人權與社會福利典範與創新」2021年台灣社會福利學會年會暨國際學術研討會, 2021, Taiwan |
2021 | 陳怡伃, 兒少社區據點的服務模式及比較, 「兒少非營利組織的價值—社會影響與永續發展」家扶國際研討會, 2021, Taiwan |
2019 | Yi-Yi Chen, Youths in the Network of Community-Based Organizations: Brokers, Actors, Innovators., San Francisco, CA, USA, 2019 SSWR Annual Conference, Society of Social Work and Research, 2019, Ireland |
2019 | 陳怡伃, 社工學生於跨領域實作課程的挑戰與優勢:南萬華社區裡的照顧行動提案經驗, 高齡社會的在地實踐模式學術研討會, 2019, Taiwan |
2019 | 黃炤愷、陳怡伃, 共生與共好:泰雅部落的經濟生活與文化照顧, 「發展性社會工作、社區經濟與社會企業的連結」國際研討會, 2019, Taiwan |
2018 | 陳怡伃, 游政韋, 樟文里巷道改造行動:以社區為基礎的增權共作, 發展性社會工作的札根與社區實踐學術研討會, 2018, Taiwan |
2018 | Yi-Yi Chen, From Serving A Community to One’s Own Career: Motivation, Trajectory, And Factors of Youths’ Community Participation at Pinling, The Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development (SWSD), 2018, Ireland |
2017 | Yi-Yi Chen, Patterns, factors, and effects of partnership: Exploring community-based organizations involved in social services at a historical Taipei area, XXXIVV International Network for Social Network Analysis Conference, 2017, China |
2017 | 陳怡伃, 以社區為基礎的充權和參與:萬華的二個方案, 發展性社會工作推動歷程與成果的檢視與展望學術研討會, 2017, Taiwan |
2016 | 洪瑋羚,陳暉評,林羿萱,陳怡伃, 搞什麼飛機?大專生於自主社區服務之歷程分析, 2016 Conference on Youth Divide and Youth Inclusion: Agenda and alternatives, 2016, Hong Kong |
2016 | 陳怡伃, 青年社區參與在坪林:服務學習與自主提案的二案例分析, 2016 Conference on Youth Divide and Youth Inclusion: Agenda and alternatives, 2016, Hong Kong |
2016 | Yi-Yi Chen, The challenges of promoting developmental social work: Observations from teaching community work in undergraduate classes, Symposium on research, practice and teaching related to disaster and developmental social work practice, 2016, Australia |
2016 | 陳怡伃, 推動發展性社會工作的挑戰:從社區工作教育現場談起, 2016 發展性社會工作國際研討會: 全球應用‧發展對話, 2016, Taiwan |
2016 | 陳怡伃, 發展性社會工作策略在社區的實踐:萬華的兩個方案, 2016 華人社會福利政策論壇, 2016, Taiwan |
2015 | 陳怡伃,李宜興,王文娟, 身心障礙者就業動機與服務發展──以花蓮縣為例, 東部地區社會工作培力與發展研討會, 2015, Taiwan |
2015 | Yi-Yi Chen, Determinants for partnership to enhance effectiveness of community organizations: Leadership as a moderator, The 19th International Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development, 2015, Singapore |
2010 | 陳怡伃、李宜興、黃炤愷, 兒少社區據點的服務模式及比較, 「兒少非營利組織的價值—社會影響與永續發展」家扶國際研討會, 2010, Taiwan |
Year | Book Title |
2021 | 洪伯邑, 陳懷萱, 黃舒楣, 黃書緯, 呂欣怡, 陳怡伃, 田野倫理,田野敲敲門:現地研究基本功, 台大出版中心, 2021 |