Yun-Tung Wang
Name Yun-Tung Wang
Office Tel No. 02-33661258
Dr. Yun-Tung Wang, Professor in National Taiwan University, Department of Social Work, got his Ph.D. degree from Columbia University, School of Social Work in 2001. His major research interests focus on welfare policy for people with disabilities, gerontology, and cost-benefit analysis in social policy.
He has published many journal articles in prestigious journals (such as Journal of Advanced Nursing, Disability and Rehabilitation, and Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation) and has received research awards from NTU on many occasions. His esteemed book titled “Social Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches and Applications” is one of the most popular textbooks in teaching social research methods in Taiwan.

Year Paper Title
2017 Yun-Tung Wang, Yi-Jiun Lin, Vocational rehabilitation case manager factors associated with vocational rehabilitation service program outcomes for people with disabilities in Taiwan - an exploratory study, Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 3, pp. 244-250, 2017
2014 Yuh Jang, Yun-Tung Wang, Meng-Hsiu Lin, Factors Affecting Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities Who Received Disability Employment Services in Taiwan, Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, pp. 11-21, 2014
2014 Yi-Jiun Lin, I-Chun Huang, Yun-Tung Wang, Outcomes of Home-based Employment Service Programs for People with Disabilities and their Related Factors--A Preliminary Study in Taiwan, Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 17, pp. 1457-1463, 2014
2014 古家萍, 王雲東, 黃心苑, 王鐘貴, 林寬佳, 老人群體居住安排變動與醫療服務使用之多面向長期研究, 台灣衛誌, vol. 6, pp. 568-581, 2014
2013 Yun-Tung Wang, Are Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Socially Excluded?: An Exploratory Study in Taiwan, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, vol. 10, pp. 893-902, 2013
2013 I-Chun Huang, Yun-Tung Wang, Fong Chan, Employment outcomes of adults with cerebral palsy in Taiwan, Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 3, pp. 228-235, 2013
2013 Yun-Tung Wang, Yi-Jiun Lin, Employment Outcome Predictors for People with Disabilities in Taiwan--A Preliminary Study Using ICF Conceptual Framework, Journal of Rehabilitation, vol. 2, pp. 3-14, 2013
2013 Yuh Jang, Yun-Tung Wang, Meng-Hsiu Lin, Kevin Shih, Predictors of Employment Outcomes for People with Visual Impairment in Taiwan: The Contribution of Disability Employment Services, Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, vol. 6, pp. 469-480, 2013
2012 Lih-Rong Lillian Wang, Yun-Tung Wang, Peishan Yung, Using social quality as a framework for analyzing social development in Taiwan, International Journal of Public and Private Healthcare Management and Economics, 2012
2012 James Cherng-Tay Hsueh, Yun-Tung Wang, Transition and Development of Long-term Care Policy in Taiwan, Journal of Welfare for the Aged, pp. 159-171, 2012
2012 王雲東,薛承泰,鄧志松,陳信木,楊培珊,詹慶恩, 我國失能與失智人口及其所需照顧服務員人力之推估, 台大社會工作學刊, pp. 51-102, 2012
2012 Yun-Tung Wang, Yi-Jiun Lin, Ching-Hsien Shu, Cost-benefit Analysis for Sheltered Employment Service Programs for People with Disabilities in Taiwan--A Preliminary Study, Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 19, pp. 1672-1676, 2012
2011 Shu-Fen Lo, Yun-Tung Wang, Li-Yue Wu, Mei-Yu Hsu, Shu-Chuan Chang, Mark Hayter, Multimedia education program for patients with a stoma: effectiveness evaluation, Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 1, pp. 68-76, 2011
2010 Yun-Tung Wang, Job Coach Factors Associated with Community-based Employment Service Program Outcome Measures for People with Disabilities--A Taiwan Case Study, Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 19, pp. 1547-1557, 2010
2010 Chao-Yin Lin, Yun-Tung Wang, Shih-Jiun Shi, The Features of Social Cohesion in Taiwan: A social quality perspective, 國家與社會, pp. 47-98, 2010
2010 Shu-Fen Lo, Yun-Tung Wang ,Li-Yue Wu, Mei-Yu Hsu, Shu-Chuan Chang, Mark Hayter, A cost-effectiveness analysis of a multimedia learning education program for stoma patients, Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol. 13, pp. 1844-1854, 2010
2010 王雲東、林怡君, 各國身心障礙者居家就業促進政策比較分析, 就業安全, vol. 1, pp. 108-113, 2010
2009 王雲東, 台灣高齡者就業的現況與展望, 社區發展季刊, pp. 101-111, 2009
2009 James Cherng-Tay Hsueh , Yun-Tung Wang, Population Changes and Aging Trend in Taiwan., WIENER KLINISCHEN WOCHENSCHRIFT: Aging, pp. 26-29, 2009
2009 Raymond K H Chan, Yun-Tung Wang, Promoting the Employment of Senior Citizens in Taiwan and Hong Kong, Journal of Comparative Asian Development, vol. 1, pp. 1-24, 2009
2008 王雲東, 美國、英國、澳洲與香港的職業輔導評量發展經驗及對台灣的啟示, 台灣勞工, pp. 118-125, 2008
2008 王雲東, 身心障礙者社區化就業服務採個案委託付費制度之可行性初探研究--以台北市社區化就業服務為例, 社區發展季刊, pp. 363-384, 2008
2008 王雲東,陳秋蓉, 身心障礙者職場壓力、社會支持與健康生活品質之關連性研究, 社區發展季刊, pp. 343-362, 2008
2008 王雲東, 台灣身心障礙者職業重建服務的發展軌跡:兼論工作可及性, 輔具之友, pp. 3-10, 2008
2008 王雲東, Measuring Social Quality in Taiwan, International Journal of Social Quality, 2008
2008 王雲東, 身心障礙者職業輔導評量服務的成效分析--以台北市90-94年職評服務方案為例, 台大社會工作學刊, pp. 89-142, 2008
2007 王雲東, 從身心障礙者權益保障法談職業輔導評量之發展方向, 就業安全, vol. 2, pp. 4-8, 2007
2007 王雲東, 楊培珊, 黃竹萱, 台灣地區年長榮民生活照顧與婚姻狀況的研究--社會排除觀點的初探, 東吳社會工作學報, pp. 35-66, 2007
2007 王雲東, 「身心障礙者社區化就業服務方案之成本效益與成本效能分析--以台北市92-94年度就服方案為例」, 台大社會工作學刊, pp. 123-166, 2007
2007 王雲東, 林怡君, 「身心障礙者支持性就業方案之成本效益分析---以某社福基金會之貨幣化成本效益分析為例」, 中華心理衛生學刊, vol. 2, pp. 179-200, 2007
2006 王雲東, 2000-2005年台灣老人人權發展的現況與展望, 應用倫理研究通訊, pp. 15-32, 2006
2006 王雲東, 台灣地區中老年與老年人醫療服務使用率的影響因素研究, 健康城市學刊, pp. 141-163, 2006
2005 王雲東, 台灣地區社區老人醫療服務使用率影響因素之研究--一個健康資本模型應用的初探, 社區發展季刊, pp. 216-229, 2005
2005 王雲東, 英國身心障礙者職業重建制度, 就業安全, vol. 2, pp. 108-113, 2005
2005 陳燕卿, 王雲東, 婦女二度就業方案之成本效益分析-以財團法人彭婉如文教基金會『課後照顧師資培訓15期(基隆班)』為例, 東吳社會工作學報, pp. 85-120, 2005
2004 王雲東, 林怡君, 身心障礙者支持性就業服務方案之成本效益分析 ---以陽光社會福利基金會90年度支持性就業服務方案為例, 東吳社會工作學報, pp. 119-147, 2004
Year Paper Title
2010 Shih-Jiun Shi, Chao-Yin Lin and Yun-Tung Wang, Socio-economic security for the elderly in Taiwan: Results from the Social Quality Survey, Presented in “Chiba University International Workshop: Asian Social Quality Indicators”, 2010, Japan
2010 王雲東、鄧志松、詹慶恩, 我國長期照護服務數項專業人力的需求推估, 發表於「2010年人口變遷與社會發展聯合研討會」, 2010, Taiwan
2010 Yun-Tung Wang, 台灣規劃長期照護保險制度的過程與挑戰, 發表於「老人長期照顧保險制度過程與挑戰國際學術研討會」, 2010, Korea, South
2009 Yun-Tung Wang, Chao-Yin Lin, Shih-Jiun Shi, A comparative study of social cohesion between Taiwan and Korea with reference to attitudes towards immigrants, International Workshop - Development of Survey Questionnaire on Social Quality (SQSQ) in Asian Societies, 2009, Korea, South
2009 林昭吟,王雲東,施世駿, The Features of Social Cohesion in Taiwan: A social quality perspective, 台灣社會福利學會年會暨『健康、照護、工作與退休─新興社會風險與弱勢關懷』國際研討會, 2009, Taiwan
2009 Shu Fen Lo, Yun-Tung Wang, A cost–effectiveness analysis of asynchronous distance learning (ADL) education program for in wound management module for RN-BSN Students, Presented in “The 19th Conference of the European Wound Management Association”, 2009, Finland
2009 Bernard Casey, James Cherng-Tay Hsueh and Yun-Tung Wang, Care for the Frail Elderly in Taiwan: Policy in Transition?, Presented in “The 6th International Conference of East Asian Social Policy”, 2009, United Kingdom
2009 Yun-Tung Wang, Chao-Yin Lin and Shih-Jiun Shi, Social Cohesion and its Related Factors in Taiwan, Presented in “Social Development and Human Security: The Social Quality Perspective and Asia Conditions”, 2009, Thailand
2008 Yun-Tung Wang, Lillian Lih-Rong Wang, Pei-Shan Yang, Constructing Social Quality Indicators in Asia: Taiwanese Experiences., Presented in “International workshop on Constructing Asian Social Quality Indicators”, 2008, Taiwan
2008 Yun-Tung Wang、Annie Lee、Yi-Jiun Lin, Effects of Multi-Employment Promotion Program and their Predictors: An Example of 2004 Multi-Employment Promotion Program., 發表於「2008第八屆台灣社會福利學會年會暨『新世紀社會保障制度的建構與創新:跨時變遷與跨國比較』學術研討會」, 2008, Taiwan
2008 James Cherng-Tay Hsueh, Yun-Tung Wang, Population Changes and Aging Trend in Taiwan., Presented in “International Conference: Multi-facetal Aspects of Aging and Aging Diseases”, 2008, China
2008 James Cherng-Tay Hsueh, Yun-Tung Wang, Living Arrangement and the Well-being of the Elderly in Taiwan., Presented in “The 5th International Conference of East Asian Social Policy”, 2008, Taiwan
2008 Raymond K H Chan, Yun-Tung Wang, Elderly Employment and its Promotion: A Comparison of Taiwan and Hong Kong., Presented in “The 5th International Conference of East Asian Social Policy”, 2008, Taiwan
2008 Yun-Tung Wang, Shih-Jiun Shi, Social Cohesion in Taiwan: A Meta Analysis Approach., Presented in “Social Quality Seminar in Asia: Comparative Study and Cross-national Database Construction”, 2008, Taiwan
2008 王, Social Quality Indicators in Taiwan., Presented in “Social Quality Seminar in Asia: Comparative Study and Cross-national Database Construction”, 2008, Taiwan
2007 Wang Yun-Tung, Social Quality in Taiwan, Presented in “The Second Asian Conference on Social Quality and Sustainable Welfare Societies”, 2007, Taiwan
2007 Shu Fen Lo, Yun-Tung Wang, A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Multimedia Learning Education Programs (MLEPs) for Stoma Patients., Presented in “The 17th Conference of the European Wound Management Association”, 2007, United Kingdom
2007 王雲東, 舒靜嫻, 林怡君, 身心障礙者庇護性就業服務的成本效益分析--兼論東西方身心障礙者就業特色的比較, 「社會福利發展:東、西方的經驗與對話」國際學術研討會, 2007, Taiwan
2007 王雲東, 個案委託制度下身心障礙者職業輔導評量服務的成效分析--以台北市90-94年職評服務方案為例, 「新管理主義對社會工作專業的挑戰與回應」研討會, 2007, Taiwan
2006 Wang Yun-Tung, Factors associated with quality of life indicators for the middle aged and elderly people in Taiwan--An example of health capital model, Presented in the Sixth International Campbell Collaboration Colloquium, 2006, United States of America
2006 王雲東, 身心障礙者社區化就業服務方案之成本效益分析--以某縣市92-94年度就服方案為例, 「2006台灣社會福利學會年會暨國際學術研討會--社會不均與社會實踐:健康、教育、就業、所得」, 2006, Taiwan
2006 Wang Yun-Tung, Factors Associated with Community-based Employment Program Indicators for the People with Disabilities in Taiwan--an Example of Wang Yun-Tung,2003-2005 Community-based Employment Program in a City, Presented in the International Conference on the Social Policy in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China, 2006, Hong Kong
2006 Wang Yun-Tung, Social Economic Security for the Elderly in Taiwan, Presented in “Social Policy Research Workshop--Social Economic Security in Later Life”, 2006, Taiwan
2005 王雲東, 身心障礙者支持性就業服務方案之成本效益分析---以陽光社會福利基金會92~93年度支持性就業服務方案為例, 兩岸四地華人社區學術研討會, 2005, Taiwan
2005 王雲東, 台灣地區中老年與老年人醫療服務使用率的影響因素研究, 台灣健康城市國際學術研討會, 2005, Taiwan
2005 王雲東, 台灣地區年長榮民生活照顧與婚姻狀況的研究--社會排除觀點的初探, 「二十一世紀社會福利省思與展望」學術研討會, 2005, Taiwan
2004 Wu, H.C.; Tang, M.; Wang, Y.T.; Wu, C.K., Does “Work” Effect on Chinese People with Serious Mental Illness?, Presented in the Fourth International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health., 2004, Canada
2003 王雲東, 台灣地區老人經濟人權發展的現況與展望, 發表於總統府「人權立國」學術研討會, 2003, Taiwan
Year Book Title
2007 黃源協, 吳來信, 張英陣, 王雲東, 社會工作研究方法, 台北:國立空中大學, 2007
2007 王雲東, 社會研究方法, 台北:威仕曼, 2007
2006 王雲東, 林怡君, 身心障礙者支持性就業服務方案之成本效益分析---以陽光社會福利基金會2003~2004年度支持性就業服務方案為例,華人社會社區工作的知識與實務, 台北:松慧, 2006
2001 Yun-Tung Wang, Factors Associated with Health-related Quality of Life Indicators among Community-dwelling Frail Elders: A Revised Health Capital Perspective, NY: Columbia University, 2001