
  • 2025-03-13
  • 系辦助理
1-1.摘要提交方式:於截止日前,將不超過500字英文摘要,寄至黃建忠客座主編 Mail(huangc@ssw.rutgers.edu)。內容應包含問題背景、與整合健康與社會工作的關聯、研究方法、研究發現,以及對實務與政策的意涵。

Conference Abstract Submission: Before the deadline, please submit an abstract (no more than 500 words) to Guest Editor Dr. Chien-Chung Huang (huangc@ssw.rutgers.edu). The abstract should identify the problem area, how it relates to integrated health and social work, methods (data and measurable outcomes), findings, and practice and policy implications.

1-2.投稿方式:於截止日前,以全英文撰寫,透過 Airiti iPress(http://www.ipress.tw/J0154)投稿全文。請註明為「整合健康與社會工作特刊」之投稿。

Full Papers Submission: Before the deadline, please submit the full papers to Airiti iPress (http://www.ipress.tw/J0154). When submitting, please specify that the paper is a contribution for the "Special Issue: Integrated Health and Social Work."
