Name | Hui-Ching Wu |
Office Tel No. | 02-3366-9483 |
Job Title | Professor |
Research Expertise | Mental Health & Forensic Social Work |
Teaching Field | Mental Health & Forensic Social Work |
Education | Ph. D., Columbia University |
Autobiography |
Dr. HuiChing Wu is a professor at Dept. of Social Work, National Taiwan University, a LCSW in Taiwan. She has over 30 year clinical experience in mental health, trauma, substance use and criminal justice and conduct more than 30 evidence based studies funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (NOST), Ministry Health of and Welfare (NOHW), Ministry of Justice (MOJ), or city government. The study topics focus on the female substance use, family based intervention, mental health, stigma, human rights and trauma. She also had projects and publications involving international collaboration with CSSW in NYC, TRI and UpennSP2 in Philadelphia, HK Baptist University, and Oxford University/NIHR in UK. Her specific research interests are female survival from trauma experience, illicit drug user family interventions, trauma-informed care, empowerment and community reentry. For the female drug use inmates, they would encounter several challenges (e.g. being abused, stigmatized and traumatized, housing, taking parenting and family support role, employment etc.) after post-incarceration and need more health, justice and social services system to assist them. She used the feminist approach to analyze the diverse needs of female drug use inmates reentry the community and how to be satisfied by the social services systems. She also conducted the RCT indigenized Sucht Hilfe Familien Training (SHIFT) research to educate parental substance users properly parenting their children, to prevent the children from maltreatment, and to enhance children’s physiological development. Most recently, she conducted a indigenized Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Profile (TREP) model for substance use female experienced from trauma experience in Taiwan. One of her project "The predictors of community reentry for female drug use inmates" It examine the impact of integrating evidence-based prevention and treatment interventions across multiple community-based systems (e.g., health care, behavioral health, and justice), looking at the coordinated systems of care, improving retention in treatment, and increasing access to recovery support services. Dr. Wu is also a former co-PI of Institutes of Substance Treatment and Research in Taipei (ISTART) where provides the best practice, training, education and empirical study for the substance users, caregivers, and practitioners. She participated in policy making, criminal justice and mental health welfare reform by serving in the national and local government committee board. Her study investigated how would the formal care system contribute to the female inmates reintegration. Dr. Wu holds a PhD in Social Work Practice Track from Columbia University (2005), a MSW degree from University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice (1998). |
Year | Paper Title |
2024 | ChaioYu Yang, Cestone M., Cestone, HuiChing Wu*, Pathways to Successful Community Reentry and Drug Use Recovery among Previously Incarcerated Women in Taiwan, Women & Criminal Justice, vol. 1, pp. 50-63, 2024 |
2024 | Dian-Jeng Li; Joh-Jong Huang; Su-Ting Hsu; Hui-Ching Wu*; Kuan-Ying Hsieh; Guei-Ging Lin; Pei-Jhen Wu; Chin-Lien Liu1; Frank Huang-Chih Chou1*, The impact of psychological burdens and vaccine worries on confidence and adherence to governmental policies against COVID-19 among patients with substance use disorder: A cross-sectional study in Taiwan, Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2024 |
2024 | Dian-Jeng Li, Joh-Jong Huang, Su-Ting Hsu, Hui-Ching Wu, Kuan-Ying Hsieh, Guei-Ging Lin, Pei-Jhen Wu, Chin-Lien Liu, Frank Huang-Chih Chou, Characteristics of sleep disturbance and comparison across three waves of COVID-19 pandemmic among healthcare workers, Psychiatric Investigation, 2024 |
2024 | Lai, Y.L., Flex, M.M. M., Jen, C. C. & Wu, H. C., Suicidal Ideation and its correlates among incarcerated persons in Taiwan, Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice, 2024 |
2023 | 吳慧菁,何建中, 臺灣心理衛生社工於社區心理衛生中心之布建, 醫療品質雜誌, vol. 1, pp. 58-62, 2023 |
2023 | Felix, Montelle; Lai, Yung-Lien; Yang, Yalin; Wu, Hui Ching; Lo, Tzu-Ying, Factors Shaping Inmate Trust in Correctional Officers in Taiwan: Do procedural justice and distributive justice really matter?, Journal of Criminology, 2023 |
2023 | 施睿誼,葉怡伶,吳慧菁,鍾志宏,王葦庭, 智能障礙性侵犯犯罪特性及處遇需求研究, 矯政期刊, pp. 33-60, 2023 |
2023 | Chiao-Yu Yang, Hui-Ching Wu*, Jyun-Hong Chen,Ming-Hong Hsieh, Yung-Lien, Lai, Predictors of Post-Release Drug Use Recovery among Previously Incarcerated Women: The Mediating Effect of Social Services, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (IJMA), pp. 3483-3499, 2023 |
2023 | 吳淑玲、施睿誼、劉素華、黎勝文、吳慧菁*, 監護處分之精神障礙者多元處遇整合、銜接與持續照護, 刑事政策與犯罪防治研究專刊, 2023 |
2022 | 吳慧菁, 台灣心理衛生社工的現況與未來, 醫療品質雜誌, vol. 1, pp. 30-35, 2022 |
2022 | Kuan-Ying Hsieh, Dian-Jeng Li, Frank Huang-Chih Chou, Su-Ting Hsu, HuiChing Wu, Li-Shiu Chou, Pei-Jhen Wu, Guei-Ging Lin, Wei-Jen Chen, ChinLien Liu, Joh-Jong Huang, Relationship of Societal Adaptation with Vaccine Worries among Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Effects of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 15, pp. 9498-0, 2022 |
2022 | Li, Dian-Jeng; Wu, Hui-Ching; Chou, Frank Huang-Chih; Hsu, Su-Ting; Huang, Joh-Jong; Hsieh, Kuan-Ying; Lin, Guei-Ging; Wu, Pei-Jhen, The social and mental impact on healthcare workers: A comparative and cross-sectional study during two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan, Medicine, vol. 42, pp. e-31316, 2022 |
2021 | Wu, H.C., Yang, C. Y., Chen, Y.C., The Role of Self-Efficacy in the Recovery Trajectory of Mental Health, British Journal of Social Work, pp. 907-926, 2021 |
2021 | 賴擁連、吳慧菁、蔡田木, 女性毒品收容人釋放後生活關注議題以及尋求協助需求之初探, 藥物濫用防治, vol. 2, pp. 37-60, 2021 |
2021 | Dian-Jeng Li, Li-Shiu Chou, Frank Huang-Chih Chou, Su-Ting Hsu,Kuan-Ying Hsieh, Hui-Ching Wu, Wei-Tsung Kao, Guei-Ging Lin, Wei, COVID-related psychological distress fully mediates the association from social impact to sleep disturbance among patients with chronic schizophrenia, Scientific Reports, vol. 165, 2021 |
2020 | Wu, H.C., Chen, Y.C., Yang, C.Y, The Intergenerational Transfer of Continuum Care Responsibility of the Individuals with Severe Mental Illness, World Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health Research, vol. 1, pp. 1-3, 2020 |
2020 | 胡淳茹、吳慧菁*、賴擁連、郭倩怡, 女性藥癮更生人社區復歸服務系統之現況分析, 藥物濫用防治期刊, vol. 2, pp. 25-55, 2020 |
2020 | Ming-Hong Hsieh, Chiao-Yu Yang, Hui-Ching Wu*, The Hardships of Families on Parents with Drug Use, Ment Health Addiction Research, pp. 1-2, 2020 |
2020 | Wu, H.C., Chen, Y.C., Chen, Y.C., Yang, C.Y, The Development and Validation of Strength and Empowerment Scale for Caregivers of Persons with Psychiatric Disability, China Journal of Social Work, vol. 3, pp. 213-231, 2020 |
2019 | 吳慧菁、賴擁連、陳怡青、胡淳茹, 社區非法藥物施用者照護網絡之現況與芻議, 社區發展季刊, 2019 |
2019 | Wu, H.C. Huang M.C, The recovered female ex-offenders, Health Education Care, pp. 1-3, 2019 |
2019 | 盧文苹、吳慧菁, 老年父母對中高齡智障者未來生活規劃之探討與展望, 社區發展季刊, vol. 4, pp. 274-285, 2019 |
2018 | 吳慧菁、賴擁連、李思賢, 毒品危害防制中心個管師之工作認同、助人態度、與工作滿意度相關探討, 藥物濫用防治期刊, vol. 3, pp. 1-31, 2018 |
2018 | 朱銘慧, 呂淑貞, 陳志豪, 吳慧菁, 臺灣視覺障礙生活重建與職業重建服務間轉銜概況及困境, 身心障礙研究季刊, vol. 34, pp. 220-233, 2018 |
2017 | Hsieh, M. H., Wu, H. C.*; Chou, F.H.C, Molodynski, A., A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Attitude of Mental Healthcare Professionals towards Involuntary Treatment Orders, Psychiatric Quarterly, vol. 3, pp. 611-621, 2017 |
2017 | Hsu, W. T., Wu, H. C. Chou, F. H. C, A History of Mental Health Law in Taiwan, Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 3, pp. 125-203, 2017 |
2016 | Wu, HC, Chen, FP, Sociocultural factors associated with caregiver-psychiatrist relationship in Taiwan, Psychiatry Investigation, 2016 |
2015 | 陳姿廷、吳慧菁, 臺灣精神障礙者手足照顧經驗之初探 -以父母照顧經驗做對照, 台大社會工作學刊, 2015 |
2015 | Tony Szu-Hsien Lee, David S. Festinger, Karen L. Dugosh, Wenting Liao, Yizhen Lin, Brittany Seymour, Shu-Lung Yang, Hui-Ching Wu. Translating and Validating a Chinese Version of the Risk and Needs Triage in Taiwan. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 10(S1):38. (SCI, IF 3.172, R/C = 66, Translating and Validating a Chinese Version of the Risk and Needs Triage in Taiwan, Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, vol. S1, pp. 38-0, 2015 |
2014 | Chen, Fang-Pei, Wu, HuiChing*, Huang, Chun-Jen, Influences of Attribution and Stigma on Working Relationships with Providers Practicing Western Psychiatry in the Taiwanese Context, Psychiatric Quarterly, 2014 |
2014 | Wu HuiChing, The Health and Human Rights-Related Quality of Life of People with Severe Mental Illness in Taiwan, British Journal of Social Work, vol. 5, pp. 1216-1232, 2014 |
2014 | Wu, H. C., Protectors of Indigenous Adolescents’ Post-Disaster Adaptation, Clinical Social Work Journal, vol. 4, pp. 357-365, 2014 |
2013 | Tang, I. C Wu, H. C., Social Workers’ Perceptions and Experiences on the Psychiatric Disease Mandatory Assessment For Review Committee- A Qualitative Study in Taiwan, International Social Work, 2013 |
2013 | Wu, H.C., Tang, I.C., Lin, W.I., Chang, L. H, Professional values and attitude of psychiatric social workers toward involuntary hospitalization of psychiatric patients, Journal of Social Work, vol. 4, pp. 419-434, 2013 |
2012 | Wu, H. C. Tang, I. C., Quality of Life and Self-Stigma in Individuals with Schizophrenia, Psychiatric Quarterly, 2012 |
2012 | 吳慧菁,林萬億,張莉馨,唐宜楨, 精神疾病強制治療審查委員會運作之探討:以精神醫療社工委員為例, 東吳社工學報, 2012 |
2012 | 鍾志宏、吳慧菁, 性罪犯強制治療成效評估, 犯罪學期刊, vol. 2, pp. 1-28, 2012 |
2011 | Wu, H. C., The Protective Effects of Resilience and Hope on Quality of Life of the Families Coping with the Criminal Traumatisation of One of Its Members., Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol. 1, pp. 22-34, 2011 |
2011 | 唐宜楨、吳慧菁、陳心怡、張莉馨, 省思嚴重精神疾患強制治療概念-以人權為主軸, 身心障礙研究季刊, vol. 1, pp. 1-16, 2011 |
2010 | Wu, H. C., Wu CK, Lao, JW, Zhang, LS, Tsang, IC, Coping Strategies Used by Hospitalized People with Psychiatric Disabilities in Taiwan, Psychiatry Quarterly, vol. 1, pp. 23-34, 2010 |
2009 | 唐宜楨,陳心怡,吳慧菁,鄭詩蓉,高藝洳, 身心障礙污名認知與污名主觀經驗--以精神疾患及脊髓損傷者為例, 身心障礙研究季刊, vol. 7, pp. 230-244, 2009 |
2009 | 鍾志宏,吳慧菁, 性犯罪再犯現象分析, 犯罪與刑事司法研究, 2009 |
2008 | 唐宜楨, 吳慧菁, 精神疾患污名化及去污名化之初探, 身心障礙研究季刊, vol. 6, pp. 175-196, 2008 |
2008 | Wu, H. C, Predicting Subjective Quality of Life in Workers with Psychiatric Disabilities, Community Mental Health Journal, vol. 44, pp. 135-146, 2008 |
2008 | 吳慧菁, 唐宜楨, 人為性創傷壓力的因應歷程探討, 台灣醫學人文學刊, vol. 9, pp. 65-87, 2008 |
2008 | 曾定強、吳慧菁、陳政智、楊志偉, 團體衛教課程在改善綜合醫院志工對精神疾病態度的影響, 中華心理衛生學刊, vol. 2, pp. 191-209, 2008 |
2008 | 吳慧菁, 吳景寬, 許几月, 精神疾患對職能復健方案滿意度探討, 台灣職能治療研究與實務雜誌, vol. 4, pp. 83-92, 2008 |
2007 | 吳慧菁, 唐宜楨, 性侵害加害人家庭結構探討, 社區發展季刊, pp. 211-228, 2007 |
2006 | Wu, H. C., The Effect of Work on People with Severe Mental Illness in Taiwan Using a Stress-Social Support Model: An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Rehabilitation, vol. 29, pp. 145-150, 2006 |
Year | Paper Title |
2019 | HuiChing, Wu, The effectiveness of social services for the female drug use offenders reentry the community, 23rd World Congress of Social Psychiatry: The social determinants of health/mental health and access to care, 2019, N/A |
2018 | 吳慧菁、賴擁連, 女性藥癮者社區復歸支持 與服務系統之現況分析, 2018犯罪防治與研究倫理國際學術研討會, 2018, Taiwan |
2018 | You, C.W., Huang, M.C., Hsu, J.Y.J., Wu, H.C. ....Kuo, C.H., Using Mobile Phones to Facilitate Alcohol Dependent Patients to Improve Family Communication, ACM International Joint Conference and 2018 International Symposium, 2018, Singapore |
2017 | Wu, H. C., The exploration of correlation among work identity, helping attitude, and job satisfactory on the case managers of narcotics hazard control center, XVII World Congress of Psychiatry, 2017, Germany |
2016 | 吳慧菁, 工作認同、助人態度、與工作滿意度相關探討:毒品危害防制中心之個管員為例, 2016犯罪防治學術研討會:犯罪與刑罰, 2016, Taiwan |
2016 | Hu-Ching Wu, The role of self-efficacy in the trajectory of mental health consumer recovery, 2016 IAIE conference: Mobilities, Transitions, Transformations - Intercultural Education at the Crossroads Conference, 2016, Hungary |
2016 | Wu, H. C., Community Mental Health Services in Taiwan, Asian Mental Health 2016, 2016, Hong Kong |
2015 | HuiChing Wu, Frank Huang-Chih Chou, Yu-Cheng Hsiao, Autonomy and Caregiver paternalism: A case of Taiwanese study in using involuntary admission decision for individual with severe mental illness, 36th International Anxiety and Stress (STAR) Conference, 2015, Israel |
2015 | Wu, H.C., Chou, H.C, How the female mental health clinicians view involuntary treatment orders: A national Taiwan survey, Healthy Women, Healthy Societies: New Strategies to Address Global Health Disparities, 2015, United States of America |
2014 | Chen Fang-Pei, Wu Hui-Ching, Help-Seeking Patterns Among Taiwanese With Schizophrenia, 2014 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, 2014, United States of America |
2014 | Wu, HuiChing, Chen, Fang-Pei, Huang, Chun-Jen, Influences of attribution, stigmatization and life experience on the caregiver-provider working alliance in an Eastern cultural context, XVI World Congress of Psychiatry, 2014, Spain |
2011 | Wu, H. C. & Huamg, C. J., The Promotion of Health rights and Rehabilitation for People with Severe Mental Illness: A Strength Perspective, The International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society, 2011, United States of America |
2011 | Wu, H. C., Huang, C. J. & Lin, W. I, The Predictors of Adaptation from Natural Disaster on the Indigenous Adolescence, World Psychiatric Association Thematic Conference, 2011, Turkey |
2010 | 吳慧菁, Professional values and attitude on psychiatric social workers toward involuntary, 6th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, 2010, N/A |
2009 | 吳慧菁, 加害人獄中社區處遇模式經驗研討, 全國性侵害加害人身心治療及輔導教育處遇模式觀摩研討會, 2009, Taiwan |
2009 | 吳慧菁, 加害人獄中處遇模式經驗研討, 全國性侵害加害人身心治療及輔導教育處遇模式觀摩研討會, 2009, Taiwan |
2009 | Wu, H. C., The Inter-relationship between The Self-Impact of Illness, Illness Adaptation, and Coping Strategies Used by Hospitalized Psychiatric Disabilities in Taiwan, 8th Global Conference - Making Sense Of: Health, Illness and Disease, 2009, United Kingdom |
2009 | Wu, H. C., The Predictors of Recovery from Human Cruelty in Taiwan, The World Society of Victimology’s 13th International Symposium on Victimology, 2009, Japan |
2006 | 吳慧菁, 性侵害加害人之處遇模式探討:家庭因素面面觀, 2006內政部家庭暴力及性侵害本土化社工處遇模式研討會, 2006, Taiwan |
2006 | 吳慧菁, A Better Mental Health Service for Psychiatric Patients?, 7th INTERNATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH CONFERENCE, 2006, Australia |
2006 | 吳慧菁, 慢性化精神疾病的因應:高雄縣靜和醫院燕巢分院及台中太原醫院精神科為例, 台灣精神醫學會第四十五屆年會-學術研討會, 2006, Taiwan |
2006 | 吳慧菁, 性侵害加害者之性認知與家庭結構初探, 台灣精神醫學會第四十五屆年會-學術研討會, 2006, Taiwan |
2006 | 吳慧菁, Surviving Human Cruelty- Resilience and Adaptability, FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SOCIAL WORK IN HEALTH and MENTAL HEALTH, 2006, Hong Kong |
2005 | 吳慧菁, 精障者復健方案的成效預測因素, 台灣精神醫學會第四十四屆年會-學術研討會, 2005, Taiwan |
2004 | 吳慧菁, Making "work" works for people with serious mental illness: an evaluative study of work effectiveness on psychiatric disabled people in Taiwan, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILIATION, 2004, N/A |
2004 | 吳慧菁, Does “work” effect on Chinese people with serious mental illness, 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SOCIAL WORK IN HEALTH and MENTAL HEALTH, 2004, Canada |
2004 | 吳慧菁, 工作對精障者的復健效益, 台灣精神醫學會第四十三屆年會-學術研討會, 2004, Taiwan |
Year | Book Title |
2024 | 陳益龍,吳慧菁, 精神病人同儕支持服務的建構,以人為本的照護模式, 翰蘆圖書出版有限公司, 2024 |
2024 | 周煌智,吳瓊華,吳慧菁, 以人為本的保護性工作理念,以人為本的照護模式, 翰蘆圖書出版有限公司, 2024 |
2022 | 吳慧菁;何建中;朱群芳;汪欣頻;周煌智;林予安;陳怡青;郭適維;許正熙; 張如杏; 葉國偉;鄭添成;賴擁連; 韓意慈;賴月蜜;薛承泰, 風險家庭安全照護: 領域建構與人才培育, 國衛院, 2022 |
2022 | 吳慧菁, 陳仙季, 社衛政社區心理衛生照護模式的交織運作,照亮精神照護的復元之路, 翰蘆, 2022 |
2021 | 吳慧菁, 心理衛生社工,社會工作與臺灣社會(第三版), 巨流圖書公司, 2021 |
2021 | 吳慧菁等, 心理衛生社會工作過去、現在與未來,承啟希望之網-心理衛生社工實務手冊, 翰蘆, 2021 |
2018 | 吳慧菁, 優勢觀點與精神疾患照顧者,優勢觀點與社會工作實務-邁向復元之路, 紅葉, 2018 |
2018 | 范舜豪、吳慧菁, 災後創傷壓力紓解與成長,災難救援、安置與重建, 五南出版社, 2018 |
2018 | HuiChing Wu, Community Mental Health Service in Taiwan,Community Mental Health Service, 商務印書館, 2018 |
2016 | 吳慧菁,林明禎,梁慧雯,林哲瑩,曾華源, 社會工作管理概論:理論與實務,社會工作管理概論:理論與實務, 洪葉, 2016 |
2016 | Wu, H. C., Chou, H. C., Ali, M., & Molodynski, A., Coercion in Community Mental Health Care: International Perspectives,SE Chapter, Oxford University Press, 2016 |
2013 | 鄭維宣、吳慧菁、簡美華、白倩如, 社會個案工作,社會個案工作, 紅葉出版社, 2013 |
2012 | Wu, Hui-Ching, The Predictors of New Life Adaptation for adolescents after Typhoon,Psychology of Trauma, NOVA Publish, NY, 2012 |
2011 | Wu, H. C. & Tang, I. C., Social networks and mental health,Social Determinants and Mental Healthin, NOVA, 2011 |