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Rules for manuscript submissions

NTU Social Work Review – Rules for manuscript submissions
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on October 29, 2007
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on March 18, 2010
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on February 18, 2011
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on June 15, 2011
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on November 7, 2011
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on March 3, 2011
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on June 27, 2011
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on January 16, 2014
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on February 9, 2015
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on February 17, 2016
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on March 30, 2018
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on October 22, 2021
Amended and approved by the Editorial Board on March 25, 2022


1.    Publication Rules
The journal is an academic periodical. Academic manuscripts in the field of social work, social welfare, and social policies that have not yet been published in other publications and reviews of monographs in related fields that have been published in Taiwan or abroad in the last two years can be submitted for publication. Only articles that have not yet been officially published in other publications or books will be accepted. If it is determined by the Editorial Board that the same article has been submitted multiple times, or if the article contains redundant information that has already been published or is available elsewhere, the Board has the right to refuse a manuscript. The journal is published biannually in June and December.

2.    Article types and formats:
(1) There are four different article types. Authors are requested to indicate which category their article belongs to when making a submission
A.    Research Articles: Original contributions in the fields of empirical research or theory development (length requirement: around 20000 characters/words)
B.    Research Issues or Review Articles: Organization and review of recent research issues (length requirement: around 15000 characters/words)
C.    Research Notes: Development of research issues, initiation of a discussion of concepts, or data organization and review (length requirement: around 10000 characters/words)
D.    Book Review: Review of national and international monographs (length requirement: around 5000 characters/words)

(2)  Required format:
A.    Submissions have to conform to the latest APA regulations for academic articles.
B.    The title, article type, and number of words/characters (including the reference section) should be provided on the first page in addition to a Chinese and English abstract with a maximum of 400 and 600 words/characters respectively and a maximum of five key words. The contents of the Chinese and English abstracts have to be identical.
C.    Please use Microsoft Word to edit your manuscript and do not reveal the identity of the author. Please refer to past issues for layout and font size settings.
D.    The author can name two reviewers who should be excluded from the review process.

3.    Review process and methods
(1)    If it is determined upon formal examination that submitted manuscripts do not conform to Article 2 of the rules for article submissions, they will be rejected immediately. The editorial then decides by majority vote whether the manuscript will be accepted for review or not. The Editorial Board will suggest a list of reviewers for submitted manuscripts. The final list of reviewers will be determined by majority vote according to their respective academic expertise.  This marks the official beginning of the review process. Book reviews will be formally examined by a member of the Editorial Board and will be published if approved. They do not have to undergo a formal review process. 

(2)    Manuscripts have to be approved anonymously by reviewers before they can be published. In case of disagreement, the Board will assign another reviewer. All approved and rejected manuscripts will be resubmitted to the Editorial Board for final evaluation. The authors will be informed of the final results of the review process. If the article is approved for publication, authors have to prove that their English abstract has been professionally edited to guarantee the accuracy of the English abstract. 

(3)    If the author disagrees with the results of the review process, he/she can file an appeal to the Editorial Board within one month after receiving the notice of the results. The Editorial Board will then convene another meeting and the author will be notified of its results. Only one appeal can be filed. 

(4)    Manuscripts have to conform to the latest APA regulations and can be rejected if they are not in the proper format.  If articles are approved for publication, authors are still responsible for required modifications before the manuscript can be published.

4.    Copyright
(1)    The copyright of published articles belongs to the journal. The author receives two copies of the current issue and the digital version of the final manuscript. No further remuneration will be offered.  

(2)    The contents of a manuscript must not violate the copyright law and other laws or regulations. The author is personally responsible for legal infringements. Articles can not be republished or distributed in any form without the prior consent of the journal.

(3)    While the authors of published articles retain their authorship rights, they have to grant a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to the journal, the NTU University Press, or other agencies specified by the Editorial Board and NTU University Press to reproduce the article and upload it on the Internet to allow readers to retrieve, read, download, and print these articles for personal use.

5.    Manuscript submissions
Manuscripts can be submitted at any time via the online submission and review system

6.    The rules for article submissions and all amendments have to be approved by the Editorial Board before they are implemented. 

7.    For further reference please consult:
The American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
8.    Copyright license agreement
Article title: 

I hereby grant the Editorial Board of NTU Social Work Review and NTU University Press or other agencies specified by the Editorial Board or NTU University Press the royalty-free right to edit, reproduce, translate, and distribute the abovementioned article (including the abstract) which the journal has agreed to publish in printed or digital format or include it in a database to allow users to read, download or print it. I also authorize the University Press to publish the article in printed and digital form to advance academic research.
I hereby verify that the abovementioned article is my original work and that I have the right to enter into a license agreement and that the article in no way infringes upon the intellectual property rights of any third party.
If the article has multiple authors, each author must sign this license agreement. This agreement is non-exclusive and the authors retain their authorship rights after signing this authorization.

Authorized by:                               (Signature of the first author)
Authorized by:                               (Signature of the second author)
Authorized by:                               (Signature of the third author)
Authorized by:                               (Signature of the fourth author)

Date: ____________________
                     Month/ Day / Year
※Please provide two original copies of this license agreement (one will be kept by the Editorial Board of the journal and the other by NTU University Press for reference purposes)