Name | Lih-Rong Wang |
Office Tel No. | 請以 Email 聯繫老師,謝謝。 |
Autobiography |
Background: Lillian Lih-Rong Wang, professor of Department of Social Work and associate dean of College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, in charge of international affair at college level. Professor Wang earned her DSW from UCLA and she was academic professor, University of Oxford from 07/2011 to 07/2012. Research interest: Currently Professor Wang has been involved migrant workers’ work and family life research, and the relationship between gender equality and fertility rate. Professor Wang has done many research related gender issues, risk and social policy in particular. In recent years, she has conducted several research such as two waves of Gender-based Violence Surveys (including Domestic Violence)in Taiwan, two waves Asia Social Quality Survey (SQSQ survey) , Disaster and Community Resilience Research, and Late Marriage Trend and Birth Behavior in Taiwan. Her recent papers have been published in Asia Women, Children and Youth Services, Global Social Work Practice, Social Indicator Research, IJPPHME, Journal of Asian Public Policy, and Development and Society etc. Previously, she published a book, Women and Social Policy and Risk &Public Policy in East Asia (co-edited with Dr. Raymond Chan and Dr. Mutsuko Takahashi) and now she just finished the editing of two books regarding risk society and social policy. Other academic involvement: She has severed for several international journals’ editorial board such as Planet@Risk ,Asia Women, and IJPPHME etc. and as chief editor of NTU Social Work Review (2006-2011). She is also an advocate for women’s right and human right and consultant for levels of government in Taiwan. |
Year | Paper Title |
2021 | Wang, L.-R., & Huang. K.-J., Sexual assault victimization among Taiwanese college students: Psychological impact, help-seeking behavior, and institutional betrayal, Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 2021 |
2020 | Jeng, C.-J., Hou, M.-F., Liu, H.-Y., Wang, L.-R., & Chen, J.-J., Construction of an integrated sexual function questionnaire for women with breast cancer, Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 4, pp. 534-540, 2020 |
2020 | 2. Chan, R. K.-H., Wang, L.-R., & Hu, K., Agentic values, generational contract, and elderly provisions in Taiwan and Hong Kong, Asian Social Work and Policy Review, vol. 3, pp. 197-206, 2020 |
2018 | Chan, R. K.-H. & Wang, L.-R., Generational conflict and provisions for the elderly in Hong Kong: The relevance of position-based interest and values, Asian Social Work and Policy Review, vol. 1, pp. 25-35, 2018 |
2015 | Akiko S. Oishi, Raymond Chan, Lih-rong Wang, Ju-Hyun Han, Do part-time jobs mitigate workers’ work-family conflict and enhance well-being? New evidence from four East-Asian societies., Social Indicator Research, pp. 5-25, 2015 |
2015 | Chan, R & Wang, Lih Rong, Life aspirations: Their impact on family and work conflict and life satisfaction in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Asian Social Work and Policy Review, pp. 307-325, 2015 |
2013 | Chien-Chung Huang, Judy L. Postmus, Juliann H. Vikse, Lih-Rong Wang, Economic abuse, physical violence, and union formation, Children and Youth Services Review, vol. 5, pp. 780-760, 2013 |
2013 | Lih-Rong Wang, Steven Chen, Josh Wang, Community resilience after disaster in Taiwan: A case study of Jillian Village with the strengths perspective, Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation, vol. 1-2, pp. 84-101, 2013 |
2013 | Lih-Rong Wang,Yun-tung Wang, Peisang Yang, Using social quality as a framework for analyzing social development in Taiwan, International Journal of Public and Private Healthcare Management and Economics, vol. 4, pp. 1-13, 2013 |
2013 | Chau-liu Cheung, Lih-rong Wanf, Raymond Kwok-hong Chan, Differential Impacts of Stressors on Sense of Belonging, Social Indicator Research, vol. 1, pp. 277-297, 2013 |
2013 | Peishan Yung, Lih-Rong Wang, The model of international field work: Taking aging service agency in New York as an example, Social Work Review, NTU, pp. 175-202, 2013 |
2013 | Peishan Yang & Lih-Rong Wang, The model of international Social Work Practicum—USA and Taiwan partnership., NTU Social Work Review, pp. 175-201, 2013 |
2011 | Ngoh Tiong Tan, Yunong Huang and Lih-rong Wang, Disaster Management in China and Taiwan: Models, Policies, and Programs for Social Recovery., Journal of Global Social Work Practice, vol. 1, 2011 |
2011 | Helene, Lin, Jeng, Cherng-Jye Jeng, Lih-Rong Wang, Psychological responses of women infected with cervical human papillomavirus: A qualitative study in Taiwan, Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, vol. 2, pp. 154-158, 2011 |
2011 | Bih-Hern Lee , Lih-Rong Lillian Wang, and David Fu-Keung Ip, Global financial crisis and job satisfaction of atypical workers: the case of Taiwan, Journal of Asian Public Policy, vol. 1, pp. 101-118, 2011 |
2010 | Chien-Chung Huang, Lih-Rong Wang, Esther, Son, Prevalence and factors of domestic violence among unmarried mothers with a young child, Families in society: the journal of contemporary human services, vol. 2, pp. 171-177, 2010 |
2010 | Huang, C-C., Wang, L.R., C. Warrener, Effects of domestic violence on behavior problems of preschool-aged children: Do maternal mental health and parenting mediate the effects?, Children and Youth Services Review, vol. 10, pp. 1317-1323, 2010 |
2010 | Fen-Lin Chen, Wang, L.R. Pei-Shan Yang, The changing profile of the Taiwanese family and the governmental response, Journal of Asian Public Policy, vol. 2, pp. 135-145, 2010 |
2010 | Cherng-Jye Jeng, Helen Lin, Lih-Rong Wang, The effect of HPV infection on a couple’s relationship: A qualitative study in Taiwan., Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 4, pp. 407-412, 2010 |
2010 | Lih-Rong Wang, Sexual Harassment : Its empirical implication and relevant formative factors 性騷擾的實證意涵與形成因素之分析, Journal of Healthcare Quality 醫療品質, vol. 3, pp. 68-72, 2010 |
2009 | Lih-rong Wang, Asian Social Quality Indicators: What Is Unique?, Development and Society, vol. 2, pp. 297-337, 2009 |
2007 | Lih-Rong Wang, Cherng-jay Jeng, Vaginal Laceration and Hemorrhagic Shock During Consensual Sexual Intercourse, Journal of Sex Marital Therapy, vol. 3, pp. 249-253, 2007 |
2006 | Jeng CJ, Wang LR, Chou SH, Shen J, Tzeng CR, Management and Outcome of Primary Vaginismus, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, vol. 5, pp. 379-387, 2006 |
2006 | Jeng CJ, Tzeng CR, Chen SC, Lee FK, Shen J, Wang LR, The Characteristics of Primary Vaginismus in an Oriental Society, Journal of Reproductive Medicine, vol. 1, pp. 18-19, 2006 |
2005 | Jeng CJ, Yang YC, Liang HS, Tzeng CR, Shen J, Wang LR, Sexual Functioning After Vaginal Hysterectomy or Transvaginal Sacrospinous Uterine Suspension for Uterine Prolapse: A Comparison, Journal of Reproductive Medicine, pp. 669-674, 2005 |
2003 | Lih-Rong Wang, Gender-role Attitudes and Women’s Decision on Employment: An Example of Taiwan, Asia Women, vol. 1, pp. 153-172, 2003 |
2000 | Lih-Rong Wang, Sustainable Development of Community: The State Role and Policy Concern, Journal of Social-Cultural Review, pp. 141-153, 2000 |
2000 | Lih-Rong Wang, Returning to the work? An examination and policy implication in Taiwan, Social Policy and Social Work, vol. 2, pp. 181-262, 2000 |
1999 | Lih-Rong Wang, Bio-psychosocial Implication of Elderly Women:A Social Barriers’ Analysis, Social Policy and Social Work, vol. 2, pp. 19-54, 1999 |
1999 | Lih-Rong Wang, The Prevalence and Severity of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Occurred on Campus—A Qualitative Analysis, Journal of Social Work, pp. 37-62, 1999 |
1999 | Lih-Rong Wang, The Study of the Determinant Factors Affecting Women’s Labor Participation in Taiwan, Theory and Policy, vol. 3, pp. 86-98, 1999 |
Year | Paper Title |
2013 | Lih-Rong Wang, Gender policy in transition of Taiwan., Conference on Postgraduate Student Stud Social quality research approach in Asia society –A review y Seminar, 2013, N/A |
2013 | Lih-rong Wang, Gender policy in transition of Taiwan, Postgraduate Student Study Seminar, 2013, China |
2013 | Lih-rong Wang, Social quality research approach in Asia society –A review., Paper presented in KPI, 2013, Thailand |
2013 | Lih-rong Wang, Gender difference of disaster resilience –data driven approach., Risk, Life Course and Social Exclusion in Asia – A Social Policy Perspective, 2013, China |
2013 | Lih-Rong Wang, Birthrate and welfare state model, The Conference of Social Welfare in Greater China Society, 2013, Taiwan |
2013 | Lih-Rong Wagn 王麗容, 性別,出生率與福利國家的發展, 2013年華人社會福利會議專題演講, 2013, Taiwan |
2012 | LihuRong Wang, Balancing work and family life in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, Comparative Social Quality in Asia-Pacific, 2012, Korea, South |
2012 | Lih-rong Wang, Work and family balance and life satisfaction, Family at-Risk Conference held in Department of Social Policy and Intervention, 2012, United Kingdom |
2012 | Lih-Rong Wang, Social inclusion in Taiwan., Summer Program of SOWA University, 2012, United Kingdom |
2012 | Lih-rong Wang, Gender, family and care, Summer Program of SOWA University of London, 2012, United Kingdom |
2012 | Lih-Rong Wagn, Social inclusion in Taiwan, Summer Program of SOWA University of London, 2012, United Kingdom |
2012 | Lih-rong Wang, Can family policy raise the fertility rate—A case analysis of Taiwan, EASP and Social Policy Association, 2012, United Kingdom |
2012 | Lih-rong Wang, Fertility rate and gender equality, Conference of Chinese Social Welfare, 2012, N/A |
2012 | Lih-Rong Wang, Fertility rate and gender equality., Conference of Chinese Social Welfare, 2012, N/A |
2011 | 王麗容, 災變管理下的社會工作介入模式初探:社區優勢觀點的分析, 災變社會政策與實務的感性與理性~~政府與NGOs的合作、國際與在地連結研討會, 2011, Taiwan |
2011 | Lih-Rong Wang, Bio-psycho adjustment of clients from Morak Typhon., International Conference on Social Work and Disaster Recovery, 2011, Taiwan |
2011 | Lih-rong Wang, Bio-psycho adjustment of clients from Morak Typhon, International Conference on Social Work and Disaster Recovery, 2011, Taiwan |
2011 | Raymond Chan, Arkiko Oishi, Ju-hyum Kimand, Lih-Rong Wang, Family- Work Conflict: A comparison of Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, Asia- Pacific Social Quality Conference, 2011, Korea, South |
2011 | Raymond Chan, Arkiko Oishi, Ju-hyum Kimand, Lih-Rong Wang, Family-Work Conflict: A comparison of Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong., Asia-Pacific Social Quality Conference, 2011, Korea, South |
2010 | Lih-Rong Wang, The impact of global financial crises on the family in Taiwan., International Conference on Economic Stress, Human Capital and Families in Asia: Research and Public Challenges., 2010, Singapore |
2009 | Lih-Rong Wagn, Which society is more socially inclusive --Korea or Taiwan?, Development of Survey Questionnaire on Social Quality (SQSQ) in Asian Societies, 2009, Taiwan |
2009 | Lih-Rong Wang, Unequal Economic Security between genders: Economic Well-being of Middle and Old-aged Women and Men in Taiwan, International Conference on “Anti-Poverty Social Practice: Contributions From East Asia, 2009, N/A |
2009 | Lih-rong Wang, Gender difference among the elderly in their economic wellbeing in Taiwan, 5th International Symposium and Lectures on Social Policy Social Policy in the Context of Global, 2009, Taiwan |
2009 | Lih-rong Wang, Social inclusion in Taiwan, Australian Social Policy Conference 2009: An Inclusive Society? Practicalities and Possibilities, 2009, Australia |
2009 | Lih-Rong Wang, Social inclusion in Taiwan., Summer Program of SOWA University, 2009, N/A |
2009 | Lih-Rong Wang, Gender difference among the elderly in their economic wellbeing in Taiwan., 5th International Symposium and Lectures on Social Policy Social Policy, 2009, Taiwan |
2009 | Lih-Rong Wang, Women’s friendly social policy in Taiwan., 2nd Metropolis-Women International Network Forum, 2009, Korea, South |
2009 | Lih-Rong Wang, 台灣當前中老年性別化經濟安全分析, 5th International Symposium and Lectures on Social Policy, 2009, China |
2009 | Lih-Rong Wang, Wun-Yan Huang, Social Inclusion in Taiwan, Australian Social Policy Conference 2009: An Inclusive Society? Practicalities and Possibilities, 2009, Australia |
2009 | Lih-Rong Wang, Unequal Economic Security between genders: Economic Well-being of Middle and Old-aged Women and Men in Taiwan, International Conference on “Anti-Poverty Social Practice: Contributions From East Asia, 2009, N/A |
2009 | Lih-Rong Wang, Chreng-Tay, Hsueh, Which society is more socially inclusive-Korea or Taiwan?, Development of Survey Questionnaire on Social Quality (SQSQ) in Asian Societies, 2009, Korea, South |
2009 | Lih-rong Wang, Gender difference among the elderly in their economic wellbeing in Taiwan, 5th International Symposium and Lectures on Social Policy Social Policy in the Context of Global, 2009, Taiwan |
2009 | Lih-rong Wang, Women’s friendly social policy in Taiwan, 2nd Metropolis-Women International Network Forum, 2009, Korea, South |
2009 | Lih-rong Wang, Social policy response to financial tsunami of Taiwan, The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Social Development: Social Policy Responses in Greater China, 2009, China |
2009 | Lih-Rong Wang, Social policy response to financial tsunami of Taiwan., The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Social Development: Social Policy Responses in Greater China, 2009, China |
2009 | Lih-Rong Wang, 2009 report of social quality in Taipei after financial tsunami., 4th Annual Asia Social Quality Conference, 2009, Thailand |
2009 | Lih-rong Wang, 2009 report of social quality in Taipei after financial tsunami, 4th Annual Asia Social Quality Conference, 2009, Thailand |
2008 | Lih-Rong Wang, Social work education in Taiwan., Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China Social Work Education Conference, 2008, China |
2008 | Lih-rong Wang, Social work education in Taiwan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China Social Work Education Conference, 2008, China |
2008 | Lih-rong Wang, Social quality indicator in Asia: What’s unique?, The third Asia Social Quality Conference, 2008, China |
2008 | Lih-Rong Wang, Fei-Ju Yang, Social Quality Indicator in Asia: What is Unique?, International Nanjing Conference of Social Quality and Social Welfare: Social Quality in Asia and Europe: Searching for the Ways to Promote Social Coh, 2008, China |
2008 | Lih-Rong Wang, Risk, family changes and intimacy risk., International Symposium – Social Risk and Social Policy in Changing Asian Societies, 2008, China |
2008 | Lih-rong Wang, Risk, family changes and intimacy risk, International Symposium – Social Risk and Social Policy in Changing Asian Societies, 2008, China |
2008 | Lih-Rong Wang, Wun-Yan Huang, Social Inclusion in Taiwan: A Preliminary Subjective Investigation under the Framework of Social Quality, Social Quality Seminar in Asia:Comparative Study and Cross-national Database Construction, 2008, Taiwan |
2007 | Lih-Rong Wang, Social Quality in Taiwan, The Second Asian Conference on Social Quality and Sustainable Welfare Societies, 2007, Taiwan |
2005 | Lih-Rong Wang, The investment for victimized women:Education, career development, & surviving, UN Committee on Advancing Women’s Status, 2005, United States of America |
2005 | Lih-Rong Wang, The reality & the response for intimate violence: a family approach or a feminist approach?, The 9th World Women Congress: From East to West, 2005, Korea, South |
Year | Book Title |
2018 | Wang, L.R, White Paper for Migrant Care Workers in Taiwan and the Future of Long Term Care, Far Eastern Group: YZ Hsu Foundation, 2018 |
2017 | Lih-Rong Wang, Ping-Hsun Liu, Investigating the Well-Being of Migrant Care Workers in Taiwan from the Perspective of Social Inclusion,Gender, care and migrant worker in East Asia, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 |
2017 | Ogawa, R., Oishi, A., Chan, R. & Wang, LR., Gender, care and migrant worker in East Asia, Springer, 2017 |
2016 | Zinn, J.O., Chan, R.K.H. &Wang, L. R, New life-courses and social risks: implications for social policy,New Life-Courses, Social Risks and Social Policy in East Asia, Rouledge, 2016 |
2016 | Zinn, J.O., Chan,R.K.H &Wang, L. R, Life-course sensitized policy as risk management: directions and strategies in East Asia,New Life-Courses, Social Risks and Social Policy in East Asia, Rouledge, 2016 |
2015 | Bih-Hearn Lee, Lih-Rong Wang, Fu-Keung Ip, Atypical Employment and Social Quality: Experiences from South Korea and Taiwan,Comparative Social Quality Between Taiwan and Korea, NTU Press, 2015 |
2015 | Lih-Rong Wang, Cherng-Tay Hsueh, A Preliminary Subjective Investigation of Social Inclusion in Taiwan and South Korea,Comparative social Quality between Taiwan and Korea., NTU Press, 2015 |
2015 | Lih-Rong Wang, Social Inclusion in Taiwan: A Subjective Survey,Comparative Social Quality Between Taiwan and Korea, NTU Press, 2015 |
2015 | Allen Walker, Liih-rong Wang, Comparative social Quality between Taiwan and Korea., NTU Press, 2015 |
2014 | Lih-Rong Wang & Fen-Lin Chen, The impact of global financial crises on the family in Taiwan,Contemporary Social Issues in East Asian Societies: Examining the Spectrum of Public and Private Spheres, IGI Global, 2014 |
2014 | Raymond K.H. Chan, Jens O Zinn, Lih-Rong Wang, New Life Courses, Social Risks and Social Policy in East Asia., Rouledge, 2014 |
2014 | Raymond K H CHAN, Lih-Rong WANG, Jens O Zinn, Social Issues and Policy in East Asia: Family, Aging and Work, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014 |
2014 | Chan, R.K, Wang, L. R. & Zinn, J.O, Social issues and policies in Asia,Social Issues and Policy in East Asia: Family, Aging and Work, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014 |
2010 | Lih-Rong Wang, Risk and public policy in East Asia,Risk Society and Public Policy, Burlington USA:Ashgate., 2010 |
2010 | Wang, L.R., Managing family-related risks in East Asia.,Risk Society and Public Policy, Burlington USA:Ashgate., 2010 |
2010 | Raymond Chan, Mutsuko Takahashi, Lih-rong Wang, Risk Society and Public Policy, Burlington USA:Ashgate., 2010 |
2010 | Lih-Rong Wang, Yaung, P.S., Empowering women and elderly persons in disaster hit areas,Mending minds and healing souls: Psychosocial capacity building and recovery after the Wenchuan Earthquake of 2008, Columbia Press, 2010 |
2008 | 王麗容, 婦女與兩性:發展一個性別融入社經政策,台大對新政府的期許論文集, 台大出版中心, 2008 |
2004 | Lih-rong Wang, Women’s right review of Taiwan, Taipei: Foundation for Women’s Right, 2004 |
2002 | Shen Yee Lee, Lih-Rong Wang, and Laing Yan Chain, Marital Violence Treatment and Services,Social work direct service, Open University, 2002 |
2002 | Shen Yee Lee, Lih-Rong Wang, and Laing Yan Chain, Women’s Care Role and Community Resource Management,Social work direct service, Open University, 2002 |
2002 | Shen Yee Lee, Lih-Rong Wang, and Laing Yan Chain, Stress management,Social Work Direct Service, Open University, 2002 |
2001 | Lih-Rong Wang, The Social Construction of Ageing: Elderly Women in Taiwan,Comparing the Social Policy Experience of Britain and Taiwan, Ashgate, 2001 |
2001 | Lih-Rong Wang, Social Welfare Dilemma in Knowledge-based Era,The myth and review in the age of Knowledge-based, Tein-shai Culture, 2001 |
2001 | Lih-Rong Wang, Constructing Women’s Policy: A Gender-sensitive Perspective,New Welfare State, The Foundation of Hou-Shen, 2001 |
2000 | Lih-Rong Wang, Women’s Policy Development in 21C, Foundation of Women’s Right-Promotion, 2000 |
1999 | Lih-Rong Wang, Women’s Welfare and Social Services,Social Welfare Policy in New Era, Hoseng Foundation, 1999 |
1999 | Lih-Rong Wang, The Needs and Welfare Assessment for Children and Women Book series, Wellbeing of Citizens in Taiwan, 1999 |
1995 | Lih-Rong Wang, Women and Social Policy, Taipei:Chi Liu publication, 1995 |