Pei-Shan Yang
Name Pei-Shan Yang
Office Tel No. 02-3366-1261
Job Title Professor
Research Expertise Gerontology social work, Community Resources Management, Aging and Technology
Teaching Field Gerontology social work, Community Resources Management
Education Ph. D., Columbia University

Dr. Peishan Yang is a professor in the Department of Social Work at the National Taiwan University. She also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of NTU Social Work Review from 2022 till the present, and the Director of the Research Ethics Center at NTU. 

She received her BA degree from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at NTU, and then got both her MSW and Ph.D. degrees at Columbia University, School of Social Work. Before she returned to Taiwan and started teaching at NTUSW in 1997, Dr. Yang had worked for over seven years as a Certified Social Worker at Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged in the Bronx, whose current name is the New Jewish Home. Dr. Yang contributed heavily to NTUSW’s initial international practicum by building connections and practicum infrastructures with the renowned Geriatric organization in New York, USA.  

Dr. Yang has specialized in gerontology since her early days in social work. Her research topics include digital aging, productive aging, care and work, dementia care, Taiwan Centenarian Study, long term care, and integrated body-mind-spirit health. She also sits in many government committees on senior social welfare or long term care. Dr. Yang has been known for her many innovations for the elderly welfare and services. She co-led a multi-disciplinary research team funded by the National Science and Technology Council, which later became a spin-off company named JUBO in 2018.
She teaches courses on Social Gerontology, Community Resource Management, Program Design and Evaluation, International Social Work, and Global Aging and Social Policies. She has won three years of NTU Excellent Performance Award from 2020-2022, and the NTU Service Learning Teaching Award in 2012.

Year Paper Title
2023 王詩涵、張淑卿、楊培珊, 小規模多機能服務模式可行性探討, 東吳社會工作學報, pp. 73-99, 2023
2022 Yang P.S., Coping strategies of elderly care institutions in 2021 Taiwan: Resilience to COVID-19., Active Aging Consortium in Asia Pacific(ACAP) Bulletin, vol. 11-12, pp. 11-12, 2022
2021 黃龍冠,楊培珊, 臺灣長期照顧政策發展回顧與挑戰, 福祉科技與服務管理學刊, vol. 2, pp. 212-236, 2021
2020 Yang P.S., Huang L.K., Successful prevention of COVID-19 outbreak at elderly care institutions in Taiwan, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, vol. 8, pp. 1249-1250, 2020
2019 楊培珊, 我國面對人口與家庭結構變遷下的高齡社會議題與解方, 國土及公共治理季刊, vol. 1, pp. 24-31, 2019
2019 Yang P.S., Lin S.J., Digital aging as an essential component of active aging: A literature review., International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science, vol. 4, pp. 113-132, 2019
2019 Wu S.M., Huang H.L., Chiu Y.C., Tang L.Y., Yang P.S., Hsu J.L., Liu C.L., Wang W.S., Shyu Y.I.L., Dementia‐friendly community indicators from the perspectives of people living with dementia and dementia‐family caregivers., Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 11, pp. 2261-3181, 2019
2018 Chang C.S.,Lu H.P., Yang P.S., Stereotypes or Golden Rules?: Exploring Likable Voice Traits of Social Robots as Active Aging Companions for Tech-Savvy Baby Boomers in Taiwan., Computers in Human Behavior, pp. 194-210, 2018
2018 王潔媛、楊培珊, 「客工」?臺灣小型長期照顧機構外籍看護工之照顧勞動。, 社會政策與社會工作學刊, vol. 2, pp. 95-134, 2018
2017 楊培珊, 住宅與照顧之整合型商業模式:以照顧住宅之發展為例, 社區發展, pp. 15-24, 2017
2016 楊培珊,楊喬皓, 「百年一探」透視台灣人瑞生活與照顧狀況, 社區發展, pp. 276-289, 2016
2016 Chang C.S., Lu H.P., Yang P.S., Luran P, Reciprocal Reinforcement between Wearable Activity Trackers and Social Network Services in Influencing Physical Activity Behaviors., JMIR mHealth and uHealth, vol. 3, pp. e84-0, 2016
2015 張成秀,盧希鵬,羅天一,楊培珊, Active Aging: A Systematic Literature Review of 2000-2014 SSCI Journal Articles., 台大社會工作學刊, pp. 177-224, 2015
2014 Peishan Yang, 台灣的失智症特別照顧, 中國社會工作, vol. n/a, pp. 22-22, 2014
2014 王潔媛、楊培珊, 從生命歷程觀點探討客家高齡者入住機構之適應感受, 東吳社會工作學報, vol. N/A, pp. N/A-N/A, 2014
2013 楊培珊,陳柏仁, 「扶養義務相對化」與老人福祉保障實務分析, 社區發展, pp. 331-342, 2013
2013 1. Wang, Y.-N., Shyu, Y.-I. L.,* Tsai, W.-C., Yang P.-S., & Yao, G., Exploring conflict between caregiving and work for caregivers of elders with dementia: A cross-sectional, correlational study., Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 5, pp. 1051-1062, 2013
2013 Yang, P., Revitalizing roles of older adult citizens: Successful stories of History Alive Project, Ageing International, vol. 2, pp. 137-148, 2013
2013 Yang, P., Surviving social support: Care challenges facing Taiwanese centenarians. International Journal of Social Welfare, International Journal of Social Welfare, vol. 4, pp. 396-405, 2013
2013 Yang P.S. ,Phyllis E.Z., Wang L.R., International Social Work Practicum in Gerontology: An Example of a Taiwan-US Partnership, 台大社會工作學刊, pp. 175-201, 2013
2012 王雲東(通訊作者),薛承泰,鄧志松,陳信木,楊培珊,詹慶恩, 我國失能與失智人口及其所需照顧服務員人力之推估, 台大社會工作學刊, 2012
2012 Yang, P., Tang, J. S.-H., & Chen, C.-Y., An evaluation study of a dementia campaign program in Taiwan – An application of theory of planned behaviors, Journal of Gerontological Social Work, vol. 7, pp. 626-640, 2012
2011 Wang, Yu-Nu, Shyu,Yea-Ing, Chen, Min-Chi, Reconciling work and family caregiving among adult-child family caregivers of older people with dementia: Effects on role strain and depressive symptoms. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 4, pp. 829-840, 2011
2010 Yang, P., What is productive in Taiwanese centenarians’ lives?—A challenge for the definition of productive aging, China Journal of Social Work, vol. 2-3, pp. 125-137, 2010
2010 Fen-Lin Chen, Wang, L.R. Pei-Shan Yang, The changing profile of the Taiwanese family and the governmental response, Journal of Asian Public Policy, vol. 2, pp. 135-145, 2010
2010 楊培珊、黃郁芬, 老人與孩子們一起活躍:「活化歷史」方案在台灣的經驗, 社區發展, pp. 303-314, 2010
Year Paper Title
2015 Yang, P. ,Wang, C. Y., Improving mental health by using community capital strategy for the elderly., Older Adults in Community: Capacities and Engagement for Ageing-in-Place., 2015, Singapore
2015 藍介洲,楊培珊, 臺灣視覺障礙老人使用科技輔具對生活品質影響之探究:獨立與自主的數位老化議題, 第十二屆世界華人地區長期照護會議, 2015, Taiwan
2014 Peishan Yang, Supporting working carers, International Conference if Dementia Friendly Communities, 2014, Taiwan
2014 Yang, P., Care services for aging parents with intellectually challenged adult children., 2nd Annual World Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology-2014, 2014, China
2013 Yang, P., Call for a life-course perspective: A study on retirement planning of parents with intellectually challenged persons in Taiwan., The Fifth International Community, Work and Changes and Challenges in a Globalising World Family Conference., 2013, Australia
2013 Yang, P., Rural women in advanced age: Evidences in 2009 Elderly Living Condition Survey of Yi-Lan County, Taiwan., XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference., 2013, Korea, South
2012 Yang, P.(, A cultural perspective on helping abused elders and their families., Cross-National Perspectives on Social Welfare Issues Biennial International Symposium., 2012, United States of America
2012 Yang, P., Productive Aging in Taiwan., Symposium on Productive Ageing in Asia., 2012, Hong Kong
2012 楊培珊, 就「崇功報勳」觀點探討榮民就養政策, 退除役官兵輔導委員會101年榮民就養政策學術研討會, 2012, Taiwan
2012 楊培珊, 臺灣女性鄉村老人生活狀況與福利服務使用分析, 華人社會福利政策國際會議, 2012, Hong Kong
2011 Yang, P, Caring for the Taiwan Centenarians: A consorted efforts, Community, Work and Family: The 4th International Conference, 2011, Finland
2011 楊培珊, 活化老年角色:活化歷史方案的成功範例, 老有所為在中國的發展國際研討會:實證,實踐與實策, 2011, China
2011 楊培珊, 鞏固「活躍老化」的社會性基礎, 社福一百,專業滿載研討會, 2011, Taiwan
2010 楊培珊, 台灣老人福利發展歷史及當前重要議題分析, 東北亞老人福利重要議題及策略國際研討會, 2010, Korea, South
2010 楊培珊、徐亞瑛、王玉女, 「不可能的任務?」─失能老人照顧者兼顧照顧與工作的經驗探討, 兼顧家庭照顧與有酬工作:因應高齡化與少子化友善公共政策國際研討會, 2010, Taiwan
2009 Yang, P., What is productive in Taiwanese centenarians’ lives? A challenge for the definition of productive ageing, The 5th International Symposium and Lectures on Social Policy, 2009, China
2009 Chen, F.L.,& Yang, P., Family crisis in global economy in Taiwan., Contemporary China Strategic Research Theme Symposium Series & 60th Anniversary of Social Work Education in HKU Symposium Series, 2009, Hong Kong
2009 楊培珊,李秀娟, 台灣八八水災老年災民服務經驗反思, 災變管理與社會工作:政策、實務與研究國際學術研討會, 2009, Taiwan
2008 Yang, P., Cheng, T.Y., & Huang, S.L., Reform of Veterans Care Homes in Taiwan: From Charity to Quality Care, The 5th International Conference of East Asian Social Policy Conference: ’Welfare Reform in East Asia: Meeting the Needs of Social Change, Economic Co, 2008, Taiwan
2007 Yang, P., Taiwanese values of social welfare for the elderly: the public’s perspectives, Public and private. Public and Private Old-age Security Arrangements in Asia and Europe. Joint conference organized by National Science Council, Taipe, 2007, Germany
2006 楊培珊, 榮民長期照顧工作展望, 建構服務平台,整合長期照顧作業學術研討會, 2006, Taiwan
2006 Yang, P., A long Journey of family care-giving to Alzheimer’s cases: A family life course perspective, Evidence Based Family Intervention Practices and Policy Symposium, 2006, Taiwan
2006 Yang, P., How to care and how to pay for the care of people with dementia in Taiwan, Socio-Economic Security in Later Life: Challenges and Opportunities of Comparative Studies in Social Policy and It’s Policy Making in Taiwan, Japan an, 2006, Taiwan
2006 Yang, P., How many people in elderly care homes may have dementia?—A study in Taipei, Taiwan, 22nd International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2006, Germany
2005 Chen C.、Yang P., The Effectiveness of Screening Dementia Through Public Media - a Preliminary Report, 21st International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2005, Turkey
2005 楊培珊, 老人財務信託之研究:法律、社會福利及高齡消費之觀點, 2005年海峽兩岸『老人問題』學術座談會, 2005, Taiwan
Year Book Title
2021 周鎮忠,楊培珊,財團法人伊甸社會福利基金會(主編), 發展性社會工作:與社會創新的對話, 台北市:財團法人伊甸社會福利基金會, 2021
2021 Chow J., Yang, P., Eden Social Welfare Foundation (Eds.), Developmental Social Work: Dialogue with Social Innovation. Taipei: Eden Social Welfare Foundation, Taipei: Eden Social Welfare Foundation, 2021
2021 楊培珊,梅陳玉嬋, 台灣老人社會工作理論與實務:四版, 台北:雙葉書廊, 2021
2017 楊培珊, 社會住宅之福利服務輸送模式研究報告, 衛生福利部, 2017
2016 楊培珊、梅陳玉嬋, 台灣老人社會工作理論與實務三版, 雙葉書廊, 2016
2016 楊培珊, 台灣長照體系中社區照顧與失智症特別照顧之探討,台灣長照產業的發展與挑戰, 財團法人中技社, 2016
2016 楊培珊, 台灣老人現況與貧困問題報告, 香港樂施會, 2016
2016 楊培珊、吳慧菁, 臺北市身心障礙者生活狀況調查報告, 臺北市政府社會局, 2016
2015 Nancy L. Mace,Peter V. Rabins,楊培珊譯, 有品質的陪伴 失智症病患家屬照護手冊, 遠流, 2015
2015 楊培珊、陳俊佑, 照顧者支持,失智症整合照護(二版), 華騰文化, 2015
2015 薛承泰,辛炳隆,楊培珊,劉淑瓊,蔡培元, 社會發展政策關鍵指標之研究,社會發展政策關鍵指標之研究, 國家發展委員會委託研究計畫報告, 2015
2015 楊培珊, 新北市樂齡族文化志工暨藝術家訪談計畫, 新北市文化局, 2015
2015 楊培珊, 老人保護案件評估輔助工具應用發展及教育推廣計畫, 衛生福利部保護服務司委託研究計畫報告, 2015
2014 薛承泰,辛炳隆,楊培珊,劉淑瓊,蔡培元, 社會發展政策關鍵指標之研究, 國家發展委員會委託研究計畫報告, 2014
2013 楊培珊、吳慧菁, 金門縣101年度身心障礙者生活需求調查實施計畫, 金門縣政府社會局, 2013
2012 Yang,P, What is productive in Taiwanese centenarians’ lives? A challenge for the definition of productive ageing.,Productive Engagement in later life : A global perspective, NY: Taylor & Francis Group, 2012
2012 楊培珊, 活化老年角色:台灣"活化歷史"方案的成功範例,老有所為在全球的發展-實證、實踐與實策, 北京:北京大學出版社, 2012
2011 楊培珊、梅陳玉嬋, 台灣老人社會工作理論與實務二版, 雙葉書廊, 2011
2011 楊培珊、吳慧菁, 老人保護評估系統之研究, 內政部社會司, 2011
2011 楊培珊, 在台灣百歲老人的生活中「有生產力」指甚麼-對老齡生產力定義的挑戰,老齡生產性參與:全球視野, 北京:中國社會出版社, 2011
2011 楊培珊, 高齡化、少子女化對國家安全的影響,非傳統安全威脅研究報告, 國家安全局國家安全叢書, 2011
2009 楊培珊校閱, 理解社會工作,理解社會工作, 台北:華都文化事業有限公司, 2009
2007 楊培珊, 大陸地區配偶相關工作規定對其老年配偶生活之影響,台灣外籍勞工研究, 中央研究院經濟研究所, 2007
2007 楊培珊, 大陸地區配偶相關工作規定對其老年配偶生活之影響, 台北:中央研究院經濟研究所。, 2007
2007 楊培珊譯, 不只保本,還有紅利,不只保本,還有紅利, 台北:學富文化事業有限公司, 2007
2006 梅陳玉嬋,楊培珊, 台灣老人社會工作理論與實務, 雙葉出版社, 2006