【NTUSW X 1122 Academic Lecture】Recent Trends in Australian Incomes, Inequality and Income Support Policy. Mar. 14th, 2024 (Thursday) 18:00-19:00. Online Lecture.

  • 2024-03-11
  • 系辦助理
【NTUSW X 1122 Academic Lecture】

Recent Trends in Australian Incomes, Inequality and Income Support Policy

• Time: Mar. 14th, 2024 (Thursday) 18:00-19:00
• Location: Online (Please find the Zoom meeting ID on the poster below)
• Speaker: Dr. Bruce Bradbury (Associate Professor, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Australia)
• Host: Associate Professor Julia Shu-Huah Wang, NTUSW

This lecture will be conducted in English. No prior registration is required, and you are welcome to join online directly.

• About the Speaker
Dr Bruce Bradbury is an Associate Professor at the Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC), UNSW Sydney. He undertakes research on poverty and inequality, the measurement of living standards, income support and labour market policies, consumer equivalence scales, and the geographic dimensions of social policies.

• About the Lecture
While the COVID-19 crisis led to some dramatic short-term fluctuations in household income, household income is now at a similar level to that of a decade ago. This presentation will describe recent trends in the Australian income and wealth distribution, with a particular focus on the role of the social assistance system.

These seminars are supported by Taiwan National Science and Technology Council (112-2628-H-002-020-).
Principal Investigator: Julia Shu-Huah Wang (jshwang@ntu.edu.tw)

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