【NTU SW X 1111 International Social Work Course Lecture】NTU×HKU International Social Work: Hong Kong Social Work

  • 2022-09-16
  • Yu-Chih Chen
【NTU SW X 1111 International Social Work Course Lecture】NTU×HKU International Social Work: Hong Kong Social Work

Course Introduction:
The International Social Work Course invites four scholars from the Department of Social Work and Social Administration at the University of Hong Kong to share insights into innovative services and practices in social work in Hong Kong. Join us as they lead an exploration of the development of social work in Hong Kong. The speakers and their respective topics are as follows:
(1) Dr. Cheryl CHUI (Assistant Professor): Empowering women through inclusive entrepreneurship (video submitted).
(2) Dr. Siu Man NG (Professor): "Changing the 'karmar' of schizophrenia – advances in working with persons with severe mental illness".
(3) Mr. Chung LO (Assistant Lecturer): Providing innovative social service solutions for the situations of disadvantaged groups of ethnically diverse population in Hong Kong.
(4) Dr. Cecilia CHAN (Professor Emeritus): Innovating services for persons with chronic illness living in the community in Hong Kong.

Date: September 20, 2022 (Tuesday) 10:00-12:10
Location: NTU Department of Social Work Building, 2nd Floor, Room 209
(Both in-person and online sessions are available. Course lecture link: https://meet.google.com/fro-fiiu-uxo)
Moderators: Professor Lih-Rong Wang and Professor Pei-Shan Yang, NTU Department of Social Work

Note: The entire lecture will be conducted in English. No registration is required. Feel free to join the classroom/online session directly to participate in the listening.

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