Yu-Wen Chen
Name Yu-Wen Chen
Office Tel No. 02-3366-1259
Job Title Professor
Research Expertise Social Work with Youth, Statistics and Research Methods
Teaching Field Introduction to Social Work ,Independent Study
Education Ph. D., Washington University in St. Louis

Chen Yu-Wen, a professor at the National Taiwan University since 1996, specializes in social work with a focus on disadvantaged youth and their families. Recognized for her outstanding teaching and research, she has received numerous awards. With expertise in both English and Chinese, she has published extensively on youth-related social services and welfare policies.

Beyond academia, Chen Yu-Wen is actively involved in international collaborative research projects, examining the subjective well-being of children in 35 countries. Embracing AI techniques, she contributes to initiatives promoting improved social policies for child protection and poverty alleviation. She extends her commitment to advisory roles in government task forces, notably with the Ministries of Education and Health and Social Welfare. Simultaneously, she actively participates in social services by serving on the boards of World Vision and the Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation. Chen Yu-Wen's substantial contributions have left a profound impact on the development of social welfare and higher education policies in Taiwan.
Year Paper Title
2022 林子茗、陳毓文、劉嘉雯, 新冠肺炎疫情下經濟弱勢兒童主觀福祉狀況與相關因素探究,調查研究-方法與應用, 調查研究-方法與應用, pp. 11-45, 2022
2022 呂信慧,巫政穎,陳毓文,曹峰銘, 學齡到青少年期的幸福感結構精緻化:性別與年齡效果, 中華心理學刊, 2022
2021 Chen, J. -K., Wang, S. -C., Chen, Y. -W., & Huang, T. H., Family climate, social relationships with peers and teachers at school, and school bullying victimization among third grade students in elementary schools in Taiwan., School Mental Health, pp. 452-461, 2021
2021 Hsieh, C. C., Lin, Z. Z., Ho, C. C., Ho, C. C., Yu, C. J., Chen, H. J. Chen, Y. W., & Hsiao, F. H., The short- and long-term causal relationships between self-compassion, trait mindfulness, caregiver stress, and depressive symptoms in family caregivers of patients with lung cancer., Mindfulness, pp. 1812-1821, 2021
2021 Lin, C.-H., Chen, Y.-W., Wang, C.-W. Wright, A.C., Spencer, M., & Van Wichelen, S., Changing nature of adoption and need for post-adoption services: Intercountry adoption practice in Taiwan and Australia., International Social Work, 2021
2020 Wright, A.C., Van Wichelen, S., Spencer, M., Chen, Y. W, Lin, C. H., & Wang, C. W., Narrating Connection in Intercountry Adoption: Complexities of Openness in Taiwan-Australia Adoptions, International Journal of Social Welfare, pp. 1-10, 2020
2019 王青琬、陳毓文、葉琇珊, 台灣長期照顧政策對於身心障礙服務輸送之探究-參考澳洲身心障礙保險政策, 身心障礙研究, vol. 1, pp. 71-82, 2019
2019 李靜玲、鄭麗珍、陳毓文, 社會網絡對經濟弱勢者就業之影響, 財務社會工作與貧窮研究學刊, vol. 1, pp. 1-38, 2019
2019 劉燕萍,陳毓文, 經濟弱勢少年從事部分工時工作對未來導向的影響, 財務社會工作與貧窮研究學刊, vol. 1, pp. 87-128, 2019
2019 Hsieh, C. C., Yu, C. J., Chen, H. J. Chen, Y. W., Chang, N. T., & Hsiao, F. H., ispositional mindfulness, self-compassion, and compassion from others as moderators between stress and depression in caregivers of patients with lung cancer, Psycho-Oncology, vol. 7, pp. 1498-1505, 2019
2019 劉心穎、陳毓文, 少年時期藥物濫用者的復元歷程探究, 社會政策與社會工作學刊, vol. 2, pp. 1-48, 2019
2017 謝文中,鄭夙芬,陳毓文, 災難復原麗保護因子良表知建構與發展研究, 社會政策與社會工作, vol. 1, pp. 49-95, 2017
2016 劉燕萍,陳毓文, 經濟弱勢少年半工半讀經驗與憂鬱情緒之相關性:壓力過程觀點, 台灣社會工作學刊, 2016
2015 Huang, Y. T, Chen, Y. W., Risk Factors for Depressed Mood in a Taiwanese School-Based Sample of Adolescents: Does Spirituality Have Protective Effects?, British Journal of Social Work, vol. 7, pp. 2020-2037, 2015
2011 Yu-Wen Chen, Once a NEET always a NEET? Experiences of employment and unemployment among youth in a job training programme in Taiwan, International Journal of Social Welfare, vol. 1, pp. 33-42, 2011
2010 王齡竟、陳毓文, 家庭衝突、社會支持與青少年憂鬱情緒:同儕、專業與家外成人支持的緩衝作用檢測, 中華心理衛生學刊, vol. 23, pp. 65-97, 2010
2010 陳毓文, 新住民家庭青少年子女生活適應狀況模式檢測, 教育心理學報, vol. 1, pp. 29-52, 2010
2008 陳毓文, 國內接受機構安置少年憂鬱情緒之探究:問題陳顯與解釋因素, 中華心理衛生學刊, vol. 1, pp. 75-101, 2008
2008 陳毓文, 國內安置少年自殘行為之探究:自殘方式、理由與解釋因素, 社會政策與社會工作學刊, vol. 1, pp. 145-188, 2008
2007 王文良, 張宏哲, 劉安琪, 陳毓文, Research into care quality criteria for long-term care institutions., The Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 4, pp. 255-264, 2007
2006 陳毓文, 一般在學青少年自殘行為之相關環境因素初探, 中華心理衛生學刊, vol. 2, pp. 92-124, 2006
2004 林巧翊, 陳毓文, 犯案少年的家庭系統:都是家庭惹的禍?!, 東吳社會工作學報, pp. 149-207, 2004
2004 Chen, Y. W., It"s someone taking a part of you: A study of young women and sexual exploitation., Child and Family Social Work, vol. 2, pp. 222-223, 2004
2004 陳毓文, 少年憂鬱情緒的危險與保護因子之相關性研究, 中華心理衛生學刊, vol. 4, pp. 67-95, 2004
2001 程秋梅, 陳毓文, 中輟少年的復學適應:傳統復學模式與另類復學途徑之比較, 臺大社會工作學刊, pp. 45-96, 2001
2001 陳毓文, 以社會工作的角度來看少年犯罪之預防與處遇, 月旦法學雜誌, pp. 85-95, 2001
2000 張宏哲, 陳毓文, 宗教在國內社會工作教育中所扮演的角色:教育者觀點之初探, 輔仁學誌, pp. 55-74, 2000
2000 陳毓文, 鄭玲惠, 為什麼是我?胰島素依賴型糖尿病少年生活經驗之初探, 中華心理衛生學刊, vol. 1, pp. 1-26, 2000
2000 陳毓文, 他們想說什麼? -- 青少年自傷行為之初探, 社會政策與社會工作學刊, vol. 2, pp. 127-178, 2000
1999 陳毓文, 論少年暴力行為與暴力環境之相關性, 台大社會工作學刊, pp. 1-33, 1999
1997 1997 Chen, Y. W., Stiffman, A. R., Cheng, L.C. & Dore, P., Mental Health, Social Environment and Sexual Risk Behaviors of Adolescent Service Users: A Gender Comparison, Journal of Child and Family Studies, vol. 1, pp. 9-25, 1997
1997 Stiffman, A. R., Chen, Y. W., Elze, D., Dore, P., Cheng, L. C., Adolescents’ and providers’ perspectives on the need for and use of mental health services., Journal of Adolescent Health Care, vol. 5, pp. 335-342, 1997
Year Paper Title
2022 劉嘉雯、陳毓文、林子茗、林秀慧, 新冠肺炎疫情下台灣兒童主觀福祉調查:誰比較快樂?, 2022年臺灣社會工作專業人員協會年會暨「疫情時代的社會工作實踐」研討會, 2022, Taiwan
2022 Liu, S. Y. & Chen, Y. W., We are not “vulnerable”: the subjective well-being and living experiences of indigenous children in Taiwan., The 20th Annual ISQOLS Conference, 2022, N/A
2022 Chen Y. W., I am young but not little: the subjective well-being of children in Taiwan, The 20th Annual ISQOLS Conference, 2022, United States of America
2022 Chen Y. W. Liu, C. W. Lin, T. M., & Lin, S., What matters to the subjective well-being of children in Taiwan: Under the impact of COVID-19 pandemic., The 20th Annual ISQOLS Conference, 2022, United States of America
2021 陳毓文, 從兒少跨國福祉研究:預見兒少福利服務新趨勢, 兒少非營利組織的價值-社會影響與永續發展-家扶70國際研討會, 2021, Taiwan
2020 陳毓文, 影響台灣兒少主觀福祉相關因素探究, 2020年台灣人口學會年會暨學術研討會, 2020, Taiwan
2019 Chen Y. W., The subjective well-being of children in the foster care system in Taiwan, The 7th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators, 2019, Estonia
2019 Chen, C. K., Chen, Y. W., & Huang, T. H., The impact of exposure to sibling and school violence on children’s well-being: the mediating role of perceived social support, The 7th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators, 2019, Estonia
2019 Li, C. L., Liu, Y. P., & Chen, Y. W., Factors associated with the career self-efficacy of adolescents from economically disadvantaged families in Taiwan, The 7th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators, 2019, Estonia
2019 Chen Y. W., Children’s well-being among Asian countries: Children’s well-being in Taiwan., International Symposium on Child Well-being, 2019, Korea, South
2017 Liu, Y. P., Chen, D. R., & Chen, Y.W, The associations between sexuality and friendship networks among adolescents in Taiwan﹝, XXXVII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), 2017, China
2017 劉燕萍,陳毓文, 半工半讀對家庭貧困少年發展的影響:幾歲開始工作有差嗎?, Global Challenges Facing Social Welfare Policy, Education, Research and Practice., 2017, Hong Kong
2015 Chen, Y. W., The Traumatized Families Experiences and Mental Health Problems among Sexually Exploited Girls in Taiwan., the 4th Biennial Symposium, 2015, N/A
2015 Lee, M. J., Liu, Y. P., Chen, Y. W., & Liechty, J., Associations Between Neighborhood Factors and Adolescents’ Health and Depressive Symptoms via Sleep in Taiwan and the US: Testing the Gender Differences, the 4th Biennial Symposium, 2015, United States of America
2014 劉燕萍,陳毓文, 台灣弱勢少年就業困境與就業政策探究, Global Social, 2014, China
2012 Yu-Wen Chen, Can Ethnic Identity and Experienced Social Discrimination Predict the Life Adjustment of New Immigrant Adolescents in Taiwan?, 2nd Biennial International Symposium: Vulnerable Families: Cross-National Perspectives on Social Welfare Issues., 2012, United States of America
2011 Yu-Wen Chen, The Networking of Non-Profit Organizations in Facing Disasters: Examining the Collective Action of Christian Philanthropic Organizations in Taiwan, The 21st Asia-Pacific Social Work Conference, 2011, Japan
2011 黃昱得,陳毓文, 青少年憂鬱情緒:靈性具有保護作用嗎?, 社會工作社會發展:行動與展望, 2011, Taiwan
2011 陳毓文, 以證據為基礎的社工實務:兩難或雙贏?, 承諾與失落─當代台灣社會工作省思學術研討會, 2011, Taiwan
2010 Chen, Yu-Wen, Children from "New Immigrant Families" in Taiwan: Are they maladjusted?, Paper presented at the "2010 International Conference on Family At-risk., 2010, Taiwan
2009 Chen, Y. W., Once ’NEET’, always ‘NEET’? Experiences of employment and unemployment of youth participating in a job training program in Taiwan, the 2009 Singapore Conference: Asian Social Protection in Comparative Perspective, 2009, Singapore
2008 Chen, Y. W., Characteristics and predictors of self-mutilation among adolescents in out of home group care in Taiwan, the 2008 Association of Children Welfare Agencies Conference and the 2008 Management and Leadership Institute, 2008, Australia
2008 Chen, Y. W., Life adjustment of adolescents in new immigrant families: an exploratory study in Taiwan, the 19th World Conference of Social Work, Salvador, 2008, Brazil
2008 陳毓文, 新移民家庭青少年子女之生活適應狀況調查:跨族群比較與解釋因素探究, 2008年家庭與社區國際學術研討會, 2008, Taiwan
2008 黃昱得,陳毓文, 基督教信仰、生活壓力及壓力因應策略與青少年心理健康之相關性探究, 第二屆新興社會議題與社會工作學術研討會, 2008, Taiwan
2004 陳毓文, 國內少年接受機構安置服務之現況分析, 第二屆民間社會福利研討會, 2004, Taiwan
2004 Chen, Y. W., Preventing intergenerational transmission of poverty: an asset-building program for youth from poor families in Taiwan, the Global Social Work 2004 Congress, 2004, Australia
2002 陳毓文, 安置機構處遇計畫的轉銜服務, 折翼天使的「另類天堂」:少年安置機構現況與展望研討會研討會, 2002, Taiwan
1999 陳毓文, 暴力環境與暴力少年:一個社會問題還是兩個?, 社會問題研究學術研討會, 1999, Taiwan
1998 陳毓文, 鄭麗珍, 兒童及少年性交易防制工作的過去、現在與未來 - 社政工作者與不幸少女觀點之比較, 《台灣社會福利發展 - 過去、現在、未來》學術研討會, 1998, Taiwan
Year Book Title
2014 李紋霞,陳毓文, 臺大教學助理制度與專業發展機制,大學課程與教學改革與創新, 五南圖書, 2014
2013 Chen, Y.W., The life adjustment of children from New Immigrant families in Taiwan,Migration to and from Taiwan, Routledge, 2013
2005 陳毓文, 台北市外籍配偶(東南亞籍)家庭內兒童、少年生活狀況及福利服務需求調查、資料庫建置及政策規劃, 台北市政府社會局, 2005
2002 陳毓文, 少年福利服務,社會工作與台灣社會, 台北:巨流圖書公司, 2002
2000 陳毓文, 鄭麗珍, 青少年自傷行為分析及其因應對策, 行政院青年輔導委員會, 2000
1999 陳毓文、鄭麗珍, 兒童及少年性交易防制工作的過去、現在與未來 - 社政工作者與不幸少女觀點的比較,台灣社會福利的發展 - 回顧與展望, 台北 : 五南圖書公司, 1999